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Before you complete your order, I must ask you this:

How About Getting EVERYTHING You Just Ordered for FREE?

Don’t close this page because your order is not complete yet!
You have to confirm it at the bottom of this page.  

So, how can you get everything (except for the audiobook) you just ordered for free?

Here are all the details:

Not long ago, 86 women joined me in the Your Perfect Man Live program.

For 8 weeks, I’ve been personally working with them to help them deal with their relationship issues.

In total, we had 8 sessions - each one 2-3 hours long.

In these sessions, we touched on lots of topics:

  • What your emotions are REALLY telling you - and how to listen
  • What to do when your husband reacts with anger to your love - or is passive and absent
  • How to make your guy change - without even talking to him about it
  • Why you need so much attention - and what it really means for your relationships
  • How to heal the relationships with your kids - even when they don’t want to talk to you
  • Why both compliments and insults can be harmful to you - and what to do about it
  • And much more!

All this content and my personal guidance created lasting breakthroughs in these women’s lives.

That’s why I offer you the recordings of this 8-week Your Perfect Man program because I know you “can’t go wrong” with it.

And because you trusted me by picking up my book - I offer you this course and lots of FREE bonuses under some very special conditions.

First of all . . .

I offer it to you for 74% OFF!

Second, when you get this video course . . .

The book and the other products are yours, FREE!

This offer doesn’t include the audiobook because as I said before, it was only available on the first page.

Here’s a recap of what you get:

  • The 8-week Your Perfect Man video course
  • The Your Perfect Man book and the Perfect Partner Process - FREE (we will subtract the price of the book from the price of this course)
  • The Relationship Release Process - FREE (if you added it on the previous page, we will subtract it from your order when you choose to get this course)
  • Access to the private Facebook group for women only
  • Plus all the bonuses that come with the book - FREE

And you risk nothing, because . . . 

My 180-day money-back guarantee is still valid!

Get the course, go through it and work with the Perfect Partner Process. If you see no changes in your relationships, you have 180 days - six months - to get your money back.

The regular price of this video course is $777. Add to it all the other Your Perfect Man products that you get for FREE, and you end up with an investment of $1,708.

However, because you trusted me with picking up my book, you won’t pay even the third of this price!

First, I wanted to offer it to you for $444.

And then, I figured that I will throw in the book for free.

So $444 minus $33 gives you $411 - That’s already 76% OFF!

But then I wanted to make it even more convenient for you.

So I figured that I’ll offer you a convenient 2-month payment plan.

This means that ONLY on this page . . .

You get the course and all the bonuses worth $1,708 for only two monthly payments of $205.50!

You save 88% today!

This offer is good only on this page. If you skip it, you won’t see it again

To get the course and take advantage of this one-off offer, click the button below to continue.
We will automatically apply the discount and upgrade your order.