What Happy People Do Differently to Get What They Want FAST

Below, I show you the key insights that transformed the lives of over 170,000 people so you can finally get things you WANT . . . and stop getting things you DON’T want!

Brian D. Ridgway

Aloha, my new friend. I’m Brian D Ridgway. I love you, and I’m thrilled to have you here!

I want to thank you for watching the podcast episode where I shared my personal story with you. 

You made a great choice to watch it because what I shared in it, changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide.

Now I want to drive one point home . . .

You didn’t just watch a podcast . . .

You possibly saved yourself years of struggle, frustration and misery.  

And I mean it.

You just became aware of the discoveries that have saved me from committing suicide . . . and from landing on the street with my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids.

Thanks to these insights, the last 11 years were the best years of my life.

These very insights have also helped tens of thousands of people worldwide who came to me for help. And I’m receiving their success stories almost every day now.

You possibly saved yourself years of struggle, frustration and misery.  

And I mean it.

You just became aware of the discoveries that have saved me from committing suicide . . . and from landing on the street with my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids.

Thanks to these insights, the last 11 years were the best years of my life.

These very insights have also helped tens of thousands of people worldwide who came to me for help.

And I’m receiving their success stories almost every day now.

  • I’m receiving messages from people who finally discovered that they can be happy, truly love themselves and are worthy of having an amazing life.
  • From people who lost weight, became financially free, healed their relationships or found the perfect person to live with.
  • And I’m receiving messages from people who broke free from chronic back pain, fear, anxiety, uncertainty and all those depressing feelings which ruined their lives . . .

But here’s what fascinates me the most:

Many of these people have done 10 . . . 20 . . . or even 40 years of inner work . . . 

And despite all their efforts, they felt “stuck” and couldn’t move forward . . . until they found my insights.

Now, I have something so important to share with you . . . I literally spent the last 2 days preparing this page for you.

Because . . .

I figured out an unusual way for you to finally get what you REALLY want - much faster and more effortlessly than you probably think is possible!

With it, you can:

  • Find and experience true love and have an amazing intimate relationship
  • Transform your health, become thin and energetic and even relieve chronic health issues
  • Become free from the demons of your past that make you feel sad, depressed and miserable
  • Erase the emotional traumas and find peace after losing someone you love
  • Melt away anxiety and finally find peace, happiness, and true meaning in life knowing that you’ve always been perfect and there is NOTHING wrong with you!

But before we get to it, let me ask you a question . . .

What happens when you focus on the things you want to have?

Let’s say you want a million dollars.

Do you instantly know what to do to get it? 

Do you feel confident that you can have it without any doubts? 

And, do you go out there and come back with the money so easily, like you just went to a bakery to get fresh bread?

I don’t think so.

Instead, I think that you face a colossal wall of stress, fear, anxiety and self-doubt.

You have no idea what to do to get a million bucks. You feel that you’ll never have it.

And perhaps, in the background you feel that you don’t deserve it . . . that you’re not good enough . . . you fear you’ll lose friends and family when you become rich . . . and a whole host of other unwanted feelings like that.

And I’d bet you feel similar things every time you think about something you want. Your mind quickly comes up with hundreds of reasons why you can’t have it.

But here's something crazy: all those feelings you experience when you focus on things you want - they’re your BEST FRIENDS!

No, I didn’t lose my marbles. And here’s why:

The KEY to Getting What You Want

What happens when you focus on the things you want to have?

Let’s say you want a million dollars.

Do you instantly know what to do to get it? 

Do you feel confident that you can have it without any doubts? 

And, do you go out there and come back with the money so easily, like you just went to a bakery to get fresh bread?

I don’t think so.

Instead, I think that you face a colossal wall of stress, fear, anxiety and self-doubt.

You have no idea what to do to get a million bucks. You feel that you’ll never have it.

And perhaps, in the background you feel that you don’t deserve it . . . that you’re not good enough . . . you fear you’ll lose friends and family when you become rich . . . and a whole host of other unwanted feelings like that.

And I’d bet you feel similar things every time you think about something you want.

Your mind quickly comes up with hundreds of reasons why you can’t have it.

But here's something crazy: all those feelings you experience when you focus on things you want - they’re your BEST FRIENDS!

No, I didn’t lose my marbles. And here’s why:

The KEY to Getting What You Want

Let me use an analogy here.

When your car is broken, it shows you a warning light. You see it and you know it’s time to visit a specialist to make sure your car works properly again.

Well, all these unwanted feelings are like warning lights.

Whenever you feel them - they tell you about the REAL reason why you’re not getting what you want.

They tell you about some deep, emotional traumas, beliefs, identities and ideas that sit in your subconscious mind and prevent you from getting what you want.

They show you exactly what you have to deal with to finally have the life you always dreamed about!

But what do most people do about these feelings?

They become overwhelmed by them - so they block them.

Imagine you did the same thing with your car. If you ignored the warning lights - your car would soon be completely broken.

Yet that’s what you’ve been doing to yourself all your life. You’ve been suppressing the warning lights that tried to focus your attention on the real, deep issue that’s been holding you back.

But right now I’m giving you the fastest and easiest way to turn this situation around.

I want to take you by the hand and SHOW you how to follow these unwanted feelings . . .

Get to their ROOT . . .

Dissolve it once and for all . . .

And finally . . .  

Let me use an analogy here.

When your car is broken, it shows you a warning light.

You see it and you know it’s time to visit a specialist to make sure your car works properly again.

Well, all these unwanted feelings are like warning lights.

Whenever you feel them - they tell you about the REAL reason why you’re not getting what you want.

They tell you about some deep, emotional traumas, beliefs, identities and ideas that sit in your subconscious mind and prevent you from getting what you want.

They show you exactly what you have to deal with to finally have the life you always dreamed about!

But what do most people do about these feelings?

They become overwhelmed by them - so they block them.

Imagine you did the same thing with your car. If you ignored the warning lights - your car would soon be completely broken.

Yet that’s what you’ve been doing to yourself all your life.

You’ve been suppressing the warning lights that tried to focus your attention on the real, deep issue that’s been holding you back.

But right now I’m giving you the fastest and easiest way to turn this situation around.

I want to take you by the hand and SHOW you how to follow these unwanted feelings . . .

Get to their ROOT . . .

Dissolve it once and for all . . .

And finally . . .  

Get what you want in every area of your life!

This is what I’ve been doing for people since 2011.

In that time, I helped over 170,000 people to break free from their limits.

Based on these experiences, I recorded a step-by-step video guide that takes you by the hand - and shows you exactly WHAT to do to get what you want.

I call this program “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want.”

It shows you how to practically apply all the key insights that can completely reinvent your life.

So you don’t need to spend years trying to figure it out yourself - you can get this program now, and let me show you exactly what to do!

Just choose what you want - and go through this program.

Apply all the tools and techniques I show you - and I promise you won’t believe how much your life will change.

Then take another thing that you want - do it all over again - and watch how your entire life changes right before your eyes.

Every time you do this, you’ll notice that getting what you want becomes so much easier . . . faster . . . and more effortless . . .

You’ll also realize that you’re getting less and less of the things you DON’T want to have!

For example, let’s say you want to make more money. Follow this process and it’ll become way easier than ever before. And you’ll also notice that you’re less emotional about money. You’re not losing it like you did before - and you’re not spending money being driven by emotions.

You’re more at ease when it comes to earning and spending money - and you have more of it.

The same thing will happen in every other aspect of your life.

Whatever it is that you want - you’ll find it so much easier to get.

At the same time, you’ll get less of the things you don’t want.

This is my promise to you.

Go through “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want” - and you’ll experience this firsthand.

Normally, I sell it as a standalone program and I have people from all over the world happily paying $444 for it - which is its regular price.

But because you we just launched our podcast and you were among the very first people to watch it, you're entitled to my one-time “thank you” offer: 

Only on this page and only right now, you can get “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want” NOT for $444 . . .

NOT even for half of that . . .

But for only $199!

When you get it now, you save 55.5% - which means $245 OFF the regular price!

And you have instant access to it - so you can start following this magical program in the next 2 minutes . . .

And change your life faster and more effortlessly than ever before!

Thousands of testimonials, stories, messages and reviews from people thrilled with my work show you that what I’m sharing with you is truly working.

But among them all, there’s one short testimonial that tells the whole story.

It’s the one I received from a super-successful man named Mitch Russo - a former President of Tony Robbins’ company called “Business Breakthroughs Intl.”

Let me repeat that - Mitch was the CEO of a company owned by Tony Robbins.

This guy was as close to Tony as a person can get. When it comes to self-help, he has not only seen it all - but he co-created many of those legendary self-help tools and techniques.

And yet, after working with me, he was so impressed that he said:

You’ll also realize that you’re getting less and less of the things you DON’T want to have!

For example, let’s say you want to make more money.

Follow this process and it’ll become way easier than ever before.

And you’ll also notice that you’re less emotional about money.

You’re not losing it like you did before - and you’re not spending money being driven by emotions.

You’re more at ease when it comes to earning and spending money - and you have more of it.

The same thing will happen in every other aspect of your life.

Whatever it is that you want - you’ll find it so much easier to get.

At the same time, you’ll get less of the things you don’t want.

This is my promise to you.

Go through “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want” - and you’ll experience this firsthand.

Normally, I sell it as a standalone program and I have people from all over the world happily paying $444 for it - which is its regular price.

But because you we just launched our podcast and you were among the very first people to watch it, you're entitled to my one-time “thank you” offer: 

Only on this page and only right now, you can get “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want” NOT for $444 . . .

NOT even for half of that . . .

But for only $199!

When you get it now, you save 55.5% - which means $245 OFF the regular price!

And you have instant access to it - so you can start following this magical program in the next 2 minutes . . .

And change your life faster and more effortlessly than ever before!

Thousands of testimonials, stories, messages and reviews from people thrilled with my work show you that what I’m sharing with you is truly working.

But among them all, there’s one short testimonial that tells the whole story.

It’s the one I received from a super-successful man named Mitch Russo - a former President of Tony Robbins’ company called “Business Breakthroughs Intl.”

Let me repeat that - Mitch was the CEO of a company owned by Tony Robbins.

This guy was as close to Tony as a person can get.

When it comes to self-help, he has not only seen it all - but he co-created many of those legendary self-help tools and techniques.

And yet, after working with me, he was so impressed that he said:

Mitch Russo

"Brian’s methods are like nothing I have ever seen for getting to the root of life-issues and dissolving them."

Mitch Russo

I’ve Done the Hard Work For You

I’ve done the hard work for you - I’ve tested and picked the techniques which I have proved to work. So all you need to do now is follow my guidance.

That’s the perfect recipe for changing your life faster than you ever thought possible.

Before I created “Living in Oneness”, you’d need to invest anywhere from $3,000 for a 1-hour private session . . . to $24,000 for a 4-day mentoring at my place in Hawaii if you wanted to discover these insights.

Now thanks to “Living in Oneness”, you can receive my guidance and help, almost as if you had booked a private session with me . . . for a mere fraction of the price!

It’s just $199 - and you get a lifetime access to it. This means whenever you feel you need to get back on track again - you open “Living in Oneness”, go through it - and you’re set!

It’ll be your main tool that helps you get what you want for the rest of your life. And each time you go through it - you’ll experience even more breakthroughs.

Now think about it. If you could get $10,000 worth of solid gold for mere $200 - you wouldn’t even blink an eye. You’d get it instantly.

Well, what I’m offering you here is WAY more valuable than gold.

I’m offering you the key to an amazing life you always wanted.

It’s the ultimate key to unlimited money, health, happiness, love, and peace.

It’s the key for you to finally get what you want in all the areas of your life.

And it’s impossible to put a price on your happiness and making your dreams come true!

Here’s what others say about me and my work:

I’ve Done the Hard Work For You

I’ve done the hard work for you - I’ve tested and picked the techniques which I have proved to work.

So all you need to do now is follow my guidance.

That’s the perfect recipe for changing your life faster than you ever thought possible.

Before I created “Living in Oneness”, you’d need to invest anywhere from $3,000 for a 1-hour private session . . . to $24,000 for a 4-day mentoring at my place in Hawaii if you wanted to discover these insights.

Now thanks to “Living in Oneness”, you can receive my guidance and help, almost as if you had booked a private session with me . . . for a mere fraction of the price!

It’s just $199 - and you get a lifetime access to it.

This means whenever you feel you need to get back on track again - you open “Living in Oneness”, go through it - and you’re set!

It’ll be your main tool that helps you get what you want for the rest of your life.

And each time you go through it - you’ll experience even more breakthroughs.

Now think about it. If you could get $10,000 worth of solid gold for mere $200 - you wouldn’t even blink an eye. You’d get it instantly.

Well, what I’m offering you here is WAY more valuable than gold.

I’m offering you the key to an amazing life you always wanted.

It’s the ultimate key to unlimited money, health, happiness, love, and peace.

It’s the key for you to finally get what you want in all the areas of your life.

And it’s impossible to put a price on your happiness and making your dreams come true!

Here’s what others say about me and my work:

Jennifer Morris

You will get what you want each time

“I can’t recommend working with Brian enough in whatever capacity works for you, you will get exactly what you need each time.”

Jennifer Morris

Patti Larsen

For the first time ever I’m free

“If you’re reading this and have any doubt, I swear I’m just like you. I’ve been down this road, I’m as skeptical (and hopeful) as the next person desperately seeking the answer to a question I wasn’t even asking correctly. For the first time ever, and I don’t say this lightly, I’m free. <3 Thank you, Brian.”

Patti Larsen

Cheryl Ellerbee

Brain’s work is amazing!

“Brian helped me with issues I didn’t even realize I had. His work in any form is amazing!”

Cheryl Ellerbee

Karen Praksti

Life-changing information you won’t find anywhere else

“Brian always over delivers with real life-changing information that you won’t find anywhere else. His teachings are alive and I listen to them over and over with more results each time. This is your chance, grab it. I know you will love him too!”

Karen Praksti

Tracy Keough

1 hour with Brian has changed my marriage

“Prior to finding Brian’s work, my relationship of 22 years hit a crossroad. We had been 2 months into marital counseling with several hours daily doing relationship workbooks and youtube videos. 1 hour replay of Brian’s session made all the difference in my perception of my marriage and the challenges we were facing.“

Tracy Keough

Now, you have two choices.

You can skip this one-off deal, yet if you want to get “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want” later, you will need to pay the full price of $444.

Or you can accept this one-time offer now, and get instant access to this program for just $199.

Now let me ask you this:

  • What if you get it, and as you go through it today or tomorrow, you find one insight that you’ve been looking for your entire life?
  • What if, thanks to that, your relationships improve beyond your wildest dreams?
  • What if you finally experience the warmth of true, unconditional love, spreading through your body, giving you peace, security, and happiness?
  • What if you finally let go of those harmful habits that destroy your health, make you tired, overweight, and unhappy?
  • What if everything that was hard for you, from that moment on becomes as easy as breathing . . . And all those things that kept you stuck for all these years take care of themselves and dissolve for good?

My work has helped Vee Comstock dissolve her post-traumatic stress disorder. She had been battling it for over 20 years yet after she discovered my insights in 2016, she never had another episode again.

Or Kate Potsma. She was struggling with severe back issues and after over 19 years of going from doctor to doctor, from one treatment to another, she nearly lost hope. 

Then she found me, and my discoveries. The very same night, for the first time in years, she slept like a baby without taking a single painkiller. Her back problems dissolved for good!

I know that when you really want it - you will become the next success-story like that. And I know “Living in Oneness” has everything to help you get it!

And only on this page, you can get it for just $199 - and save 55.5%!

Click the button below to get “Living in Oneness: The Key to Getting What You Want” to your order.

Get What You Want Faster - And More Effortlessly Than Ever Before

Spend years trying to figure it out yourself

You can continue searching for answers on your own . . . But it may take you decades . . . And no one can guarantee you'll find them.

Brian D. Ridgway

At 2 hours a day, it can take months, maybe years until you make a breakthrough.

  • No thanks Brian, I’m going to do this all by myself

Trying to improve your life all on your own means:

  • Doing all the work yourself
  • Trying to figure out what you have to do to get what you want
  • Making mistakes
  • Constantly buying new products
  • Eventually making the breakthrough after months, maybe years

Get “Living in Oneness” and find out exactly what to do to get what you want

This program can help you make a lasting change in your life - even in 1 hour. 

Brian D. Ridgway

Regular price $444.

Yours today for just $199

It can take just one hour for you to get your first breakthrough.

  • YES, add this to my order (and get instant access)

Getting “Living in Oneness” means:

  • Having your first breakthrough even in a matter of minutes
  • Using my knowledge, insight and 41 years of experience in inner work to your advantage
  • Knowing what to do to get what you want
  • No trial and error, no guesswork