Congratulations! You’ve Successfully Checked Your Love Manifestation Score

Your Love Manifestation Score Is: MEDIUM 

Watch the below video for a detailed description of your score.

Look below to check your Emotional, Spiritual and Awareness scores.

This section will show you how you’re doing in every one of these aspects and which one is potentially blocking your ability to manifest love.

Your Emotions

Your emotions can be one of the biggest blockers and make it impossible for you to manifest love.

At the same time, they can become one of the most powerful guides on your way to expanding your ability to attract what you want.

If Your Love Manifestation Score is Low - you might have experienced emotional traumas in your childhood - even if you don’t remember it today.

You’re also probably experiencing a lot of unwanted feelings and emotions which you try to block.

This severely impacts your relationship and ability to manifest - without you even knowing.

If Your Love Manifestation Score is Medium - it looks like there are some unwanted feelings and emotions that you feel regularly.

And when you do, you probably try to block them. These unwanted feelings influence your reactions and disturb your ability to manifest love.

If Your Love Manifestation Score is High - It looks like your emotions aren’t blocking your ability to manifest love - or they do this on a very little level.

Your Spirituality

This section describes the spiritual side of your being.

Some spiritual techniques serve you - while others prevent you from manifesting what you want. Balancing them is the key to having happy relationships. 

If Your Love Manifestation Score is Low - it means you have severe spiritual blocks. 

We recommend you work on the spiritual side of your being to fully unlock your ability to manifest love. It may sound “bad” yet in reality, this is perfect.

It’s because you can focus on the spiritual techniques that actually work, instead of wasting decades practicing something that doesn’t bring you any change whatsoever.

If Your Love Manifestation Score is Medium - this means you might have light spiritual blocks. 

Your answers hint that you’re spiritual yet there’s still some work you have to do to fully unlock your ability to manifest love.

Perhaps, there are a few spiritual concepts that you practice that don’t serve you - and it would be beneficial for you to stop following them. 

If Your Love Manifestation Score is High - congratulations! You have very little Spiritual blocks. 

It looks like you’re a very spiritual person. Great job!

At this stage, it looks like the spiritual side of your being isn’t causing any big block in your ability to manifest. However, it is very likely that you still focus on some techniques and concepts that don’t serve you. Stopping this will increase your “success rate” tremendously.

Your Awareness

Awareness describes how you perceive yourself and your reality. It tells you how you’re dealing with challenges and issues in your life.

If you're a very Aware woman - it means you’re not waiting for others and you take your life in your own hands.

If your Awareness is lower, it will be blocking you from manifesting love - because it means you’re depending on others rather on your intuition when making decisions.

If Your Love Manifestation Score is Low - it means you have severe blocks in your Awareness. 

Your answers hint that you have to take a lot of action - starting right now - to dramatically improve your relationship.

Without doing it, you’re completely blocking your ability to manifest a happy relationship filled with love, intimacy and connection.

One of the keys here is taking 100% responsibility for your reactions, decisions and your life.

If Your Love Manifestation Score is Medium - it means you have light blocks in your Awareness. 

You have some blocks related to your awareness yet you’re on the right path to eliminating them.

They affect your ability to manifest - yet with some inner work, especially by taking 100% responsibility for your life - you’ll eliminate these blocks in no time!

If Your Love Manifestation Score is High - it means you have little or no blocks in your Awareness.

It looks like your Awareness is very developed and it’s not one of your main blocks.

Yet, perhaps, there’s still some work you can do to further expand your Awareness.

One of the keys here is accepting that everything happens FOR you (not to you) and taking 100% responsibility for your life and actions.

Below you’ll find out how to fully unlock your natural ability to manifest love.