You’ve checked your “Love Manifestation Score.” Below is the explanation of your result and your personalized plan that helps you eliminate . . .

You’ve checked your “Love Manifestation Score.”

Below is the explanation of your result and your personalized plan that helps you eliminate . . .

The Hidden Reason Spiritual Women Can’t Improve Their Relationships - No Matter What They Do

Cindy struggled with her relationships for 29 years despite that she “tried everything.” Yet this single insight allowed her to create an amazing relationship in just 12 days. Here’s how she did it - and how you can, too.

When I think about Bill - I get this silly, girlish grin on my face.

And I just can’t stop smiling. 

It’s crazy because I’m nowhere near my teenage years . . .

But he just makes me feel like a love-struck kid again. 


I never thought I would find that again. 

Honestly, I had given up. 

After 29 years of living in broken relationships - I thought I was a hopeless case. 

I would go on a few dates my friends set me up with. I met a couple of nice men at some social events. But they didn’t last more than a few weeks. 

There was no spark. No intellectual conversations. Nothing to write home about. So they just fizzled.  

In fact, most of these men lost interest pretty quickly.

After a few weeks, they’d ignore me - as if I was just a short “episode” in their lives.

As you may imagine . . .

Cindy struggled with her relationships for 29 years despite that she “tried everything.”

Yet this single insight allowed her to create an amazing relationship in just 12 days.

Here’s how she did it - and how you can, too.

When I think about Bill - I get this silly, girlish grin on my face.

And I just can’t stop smiling. 

It’s crazy because I’m nowhere near my teenage years . . .

But he just makes me feel like a love-struck kid again. 


I never thought I would find that again. 

Honestly, I had given up. 

After 29 years of living in broken relationships - I thought I was a hopeless case. 

I would go on a few dates my friends set me up with.

I met a couple of nice men at some social events. But they didn’t last more than a few weeks. 

There was no spark. No intellectual conversations. Nothing to write home about. So they just fizzled.  

In fact, most of these men lost interest pretty quickly.

After a few weeks, they’d ignore me - as if I was just a short “episode” in their lives.

As you may imagine . . .

I had given up

With each failure, I was more and more scared to repeat that bad experience and end up in yet another loveless relationship.

I didn’t want to get hurt again.

I tried to look tough on the outside. But on the inside, I was lonely. I wanted a mate, a partner to share the rest of my life with.

I tried to attract him SO BAD!

I am spiritual - an avid believer in the Law of Attraction. Yet it simply didn’t work.

I’ve read books. I meditated. I went to some events with Tony Robbins and other gurus.

These didn’t work either.

I got so desperate I visited specialists . . . even joined temples and prayed every day . . .

And I was getting nowhere until . . .

I found what kept me stuck all the time - no matter what I did

And I followed a daily plan that helped me eliminate it.

To my utter amazement, 12 days into this plan . . . 

The most wonderful man entered my life!

Yes, you read that right. It took only 12 days for me to become happy in a relationship for the first time in my life!

I connected with Bill.

He’s an old friend I haven’t seen for decades. Out of the blue, he found me on the internet and called me.

I was surprised, but took it as a sign from the universe.

I had given up

With each failure, I was more and more scared to repeat that bad experience and end up in yet another loveless relationship.

I didn’t want to get hurt again.

I tried to look tough on the outside. But on the inside, I was lonely.

I wanted a mate, a partner to share the rest of my life with.

I tried to attract him SO BAD!

I am spiritual - an avid believer in the Law of Attraction. Yet it simply didn’t work.

I’ve read books. I meditated. I went to some events with Tony Robbins and other gurus.

These didn’t work either.

I got so desperate I visited specialists . . . even joined temples and prayed every day . . .

And I was getting nowhere until . . .

I found what kept me stuck all the time - no matter what I did

And I followed a daily plan that helped me eliminate it.

To my utter amazement, 12 days into this plan . . . 

The most wonderful man entered my life!

Yes, you read that right. It took only 12 days for me to become happy in a relationship for the first time in my life!

I connected with Bill.

He’s an old friend I haven’t seen for decades. Out of the blue, he found me on the internet and called me.

I was surprised, but took it as a sign from the universe.

I met him 

And on that first meeting I already knew that he embodied all the features of my perfect partner.

  • He was caring, loving and he listened to me like no one did before.
  • He didn’t expect anything from me - and he didn’t judge.
  • He allowed me to open up and show him my true self.
  • And unlike all the other guys, my honesty didn’t scare Bill away.

It made him magnetized to me.

The feelings didn’t fizz this time - they’re growing even stronger as I write this to you.

We’re still together. And I have no doubts: he’s the man I want to grow old with.

I know he feels the same way.

I’m Cindy Brown - and I’m a regular girl like you.

Cindy Brown

I give credit for this miraculous change in my life to Brian Ridgway.

He was the only person in 29 years who has shown me . . . 

What was really holding me back in my relationships.

Then, he gave me a daily plan that changed my relationship beyond my wildest dreams.

I recommend you follow Brian’s guidance. 

Especially if you’ve “tried everything” to improve your relationship . . . and still find yourself stuck.

This guy is a true “miracle worker” - and this is not an exaggeration.

If you have the chance to follow his plan - just do it.

You won’t regret it.

Cindy Brown

Hi, I’m Brian D. Ridgway - and I’m that guy Cindy mentioned just now.

I designed the “Love Manifestation Score” that you just went through. Your result shows that you’re affected by the same “block” that has been destroying Cindy’s relationships for 29 years.

In a moment, I’ll show you what this “block” is . . . 

I’ll give you a simple plan that can erase it from your life . . . and completely change your relationships. Just like it did for Cindy.

Following this plan is very simple. Some women do this in just 5 minutes a day.

Some spend 10 - 15 minutes. But no matter how much time they invest, they still achieve true miracles in their relationships. 

That’s because this plan goes straight to the root of their relationship issues.

In a moment, you’ll know how to do it too. But before we get to that, I’d like to show you who I am. 

Because even though I’ve helped thousands of women worldwide including celebrities you know from the TV . . . I keep a low profile and you probably haven’t heard of me yet.

This is me:

Hi, I’m Brian D. Ridgway - and I’m that guy Cindy mentioned just now.

I designed the “Love Manifestation Score” that you just went through.

Your result shows that you’re affected by the same “block” that has been destroying Cindy’s relationships for 29 years.

In a moment, I’ll show you what this “block” is . . . 

I’ll give you a simple plan that can erase it from your life . . . and completely change your relationships.

Just like it did for Cindy.

Following this plan is very simple. Some women do this in just 5 minutes a day.

Some spend 10 - 15 minutes.

But no matter how much time they invest, they still achieve true miracles in their relationships. 

That’s because this plan goes straight to the root of their relationship issues.

In a moment, you’ll know how to do it too.

But before we get to that, I’d like to show you who I am. 

Because even though I’ve helped thousands of women worldwide including celebrities you know from the TV . . .

I keep a low profile and you probably haven’t heard of me yet.

This is me:

Brian D. Ridgway

I’m a father of 6 whose mission is to help people become liberated from their problems, issues and struggles. This is me with my three youngest ones in Hawaii where we live:

I’m a father of 6 whose mission is to help people become liberated from their problems, issues and struggles.

This is me with my three youngest ones in Hawaii where we live:

Brian's Family

Besides that, I’m a bestselling spiritual author and speaker. My insights have helped over 160,361 people from 84 countries to thrive in all aspects of their lives. 

And my bestselling book, “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” has 304 five star reviews on Amazon - which shows that people value my help.

Besides that, I’m a bestselling spiritual author and speaker.

My insights have helped over 160,361 people from 84 countries to thrive in all aspects of their lives. 

And my bestselling book, “Break Your Self-Help Addiction” has 304 five star reviews on Amazon - which shows that people value my help.

Break Your Self-Help Addiction

Now, let’s get back to you and your relationships, because:

On this page, I'll show you how you can improve your relationships in a way that no one has ever shown you before.

I’ll share with you my #1 discovery that took me from suicidal, homeless and lonely scrap of a guy . . . to healing all of my relationships and living my dream life in Hawaii.

When I first revealed this discovery, I received thousands of messages from people amazed by its power.

And I still do - every single day. These are people from all walks of life.

For example, one of those messages came from a super successful man, Mitch Russo . . . 

He Was a CEO of a Company Owned by Tony Robbins!

That’s right - Mitch launched the best-known self-help programs on Earth. Yet he STILL struggled in his life!

He was so amazed by my discovery that he said: 

Now, let’s get back to you and your relationships, because:

On this page, I'll show you how you can improve your relationships in a way that no one has ever shown you before.

I’ll share with you my #1 discovery that took me from suicidal, homeless and lonely scrap of a guy

. . . to healing all of my relationships and living my dream life in Hawaii.

When I first revealed this discovery, I received thousands of messages from people amazed by its power.

And I still do - every single day. These are people from all walks of life.

For example, one of those messages came from a super successful man, Mitch Russo . . . 

He Was a CEO of a Company Owned by Tony Robbins!

That’s right - Mitch launched the best-known self-help programs on Earth.

Yet he STILL struggled in his life!

He was so amazed by my discovery that he said: 

Mitch Russo

"Brian’s methods are like nothing I have ever seen for getting to the root of life-issues and dissolving them."

Mitch Russo

Former President and CEO of  Tony Robbins’ “Business Breakthroughs Intl.”

This very insight allowed me to help thousands of women just like you, who struggled with their relationships. Many of these ladies have been in self-help and spirituality for decades, yet their deepest issues remained untouched.

This very insight allowed me to help thousands of women just like you, who struggled with their relationships.

Many of these ladies have been in self-help and spirituality for decades, yet their deepest issues remained untouched.

Carie Jackson

“Brian completely changed my life”

“Brian completely changed my life. My income, my relationships, my confidence. It is amazing.”

Carie Jackson

But once I shared my discovery with them - it allowed them to finally experience all the love, connection and intimacy they ever wanted. Some did it in 12 days, like Cindy:

Cindy Brown

“It’s been a MIRACLE!”

“After 12 days of practicing, the most wonderful, caring man showed up in my life. It’s been a miracle!”

Cindy Brown

Some took a few weeks. Some did it after just a few minutes of chatting with me.

And in a moment . . .

I’ll show you how you can do this, too!

Based on your score, I prepared a personalized “Love Manifestation Plan” for you. It’s the same plan Cindy mentioned at the beginning of this page.

This plan helps you eliminate the one hidden obstacle that blocks your ability to manifest love. Following it is so simple and fast, you’ll see the first results after just three to four hours.

I’ll show you how you can do this, too!

Based on your score, I prepared a personalized “Love Manifestation Plan” for you.

It’s the same plan Cindy mentioned at the beginning of this page.

This plan helps you eliminate the one hidden obstacle that blocks your ability to manifest love.

Following it is so simple and fast, you’ll see the first results after just three to four hours.

Carol Ann Snyder

“In just minutes, Brian can change your life”

“In just minutes Brian can change your life. I have had many encounters with Brian and, every time, I have discovered something new of who I am.”

Carol Ann Snyder

All of that without time-consuming meditations, vision boards, hypnosis, or sitting for hours in front of your computer, watching yet another course.

Because with this plan, you can practice for just 5 to 10 minutes each day to experience its relationship-healing power.

This is especially true if you’ve bought other courses and books before and found that they didn’t work.

That’s because, as you’ll soon see, this 30-day plan helps you dissolve the one hidden cause of your relationship issues. 

This cause sits deep in your mind and is like a toxin. It silently poisons your thoughts, emotions, feelings and reactions when it comes to relationships. And you don’t even know that’s the case.

It’s like with toxins in our bodies.


We don’t see them. We may not even know they’re there. But they’re poisoning our bodies, making us feel groggy or causing us to develop some serious conditions.

In the case of Lisa Cloud, this “toxin” destroyed her marriage. Her husband was cold and he didn’t care about their relationship.

So he finally left and Lisa was convinced they were done.

This is also when she started working with the plan I’ll share with you in a moment.

In a week, her husband came back - but he was a different man.

The change in him was so profound and it didn’t fizz - they got together again.

The best part? She didn’t say a word about this plan to her husband . . . yet he came back to her and really changed.

All of that without time-consuming meditations, vision boards, hypnosis, or sitting for hours in front of your computer, watching yet another course.

Because with this plan, you can practice for just 5 to 10 minutes each day to experience its relationship-healing power.

This is especially true if you’ve bought other courses and books before and found that they didn’t work.

That’s because, as you’ll soon see, this 30-day plan helps you dissolve the one hidden cause of your relationship issues. 

This cause sits deep in your mind and is like a toxin. It silently poisons your thoughts, emotions, feelings and reactions when it comes to relationships.

And you don’t even know that’s the case.

It’s like with toxins in our bodies.


We don’t see them. We may not even know they’re there.

But they’re poisoning our bodies, making us feel groggy or causing us to develop some serious conditions.

In the case of Lisa Cloud, this “toxin” destroyed her marriage.

Her husband was cold and he didn’t care about their relationship.

So he finally left and Lisa was convinced they were done.

This is also when she started working with the plan I’ll share with you in a moment.

In a week, her husband came back - but he was a different man.

The change in him was so profound and it didn’t fizz - they got together again.

The best part?

She didn’t say a word about this plan to her husband . . . yet he came back to her and really changed.

Lisa Cloud

“After a few days, my partner CHANGED!”

“After a few days, my partner surprisingly came back to me CHANGED. He had no idea I was doing this work!”

Lisa Cloud

The great thing is that your plan will allow you to do the same. It will unlock your power to influence men around you. 

The great thing is that your plan will allow you to do the same.

It will unlock your power to influence men around you. 

Just follow it and you’ll notice how men react differently to you:

  • How they show you more respect.
  • How they finally see you.
  • And how they cherish and love you on a completely new level.

Coming back to other women who experienced miracles in their relationships, 

Christie Appleton

Christie Appleton healed broken relationships with her two daughters in a matter of weeks.

Deborah Sakamoto

Deborah Sakamoto ended a failed relationship and instantly met a wonderful boyfriend.

Caron Prins

And Caron Prins thought she already had a pretty amazing partner and relationship with him. But when she removed this hidden obstacle, she found that their relationship built to new levels she wasn’t expecting.

So in a moment, I’ll show you how they all did it. And how you can do it, too.

But first, let me show you why, up until now, you weren’t able to manifest love, no matter what you did.

The One Hidden Obstacle No One Told You About

As spiritual or conscious people, we all know that we create our reality, right?

So now let me ask you this:

Would you like to get more of what you want? More love, connection, safety, money and great health?

Of course you would.

So, this begs a question:

Since you’re creating your reality - why aren’t you getting what you want?

And why instead, you receive so many things that make you sad, frustrated and lonely?

What makes you live in misery? What destroys your relationships and all your efforts at improving them?

The One Hidden Obstacle No One Told You About

As spiritual or conscious people, we all know that we create our reality, right?

So now let me ask you this:

Would you like to get more of what you want?

More love, connection, safety, money and great health?

Of course you would.

So, this begs a question:

Since you’re creating your reality - why aren’t you getting what you want?

And why instead, you receive so many things that make you sad, frustrated and lonely?

What makes you live in misery?

What destroys your relationships and all your efforts at improving them?

  • Is it because of your thoughts? I don’t think so. There are millions of people who think positively and say affirmations every day. Yet they’re not getting what they want.
  • Maybe it’s because of what you believe in? I don’t think so. Many people spend years clearing their negative beliefs. Yet they’re not getting what they want.
  • It also has nothing to do with your vibration. Many people raise their frequency by doing all sorts of different techniques, but . . .
  • Is it because of your thoughts?

    I don’t think so. There are millions of people who think positively and say affirmations every day.

    Yet they’re not getting what they want.
  • Maybe it’s because of what you believe in?

    I don’t think so. Many people spend years clearing their negative beliefs.

    Yet they’re not getting what they want.
  • It also has nothing to do with your vibration.

    Many people raise their frequency by doing all sorts of different techniques, but . . .

Yeah, you guessed it - they still don’t get what they want.

Same with different courses, books, hypnosis, meditation and other “solutions.” People do this, yet they still suffer in their relationships.

Maybe you had a similar experience?

So what is it then?

What determines whether you get what you want or not?

Well, for 30 years, I’ve been asking this question myself. And I found the answer in 2011, when I nearly died.

So I propose it’s something way deeper and much more subtle than your thoughts, beliefs, or your vibration.

It’s something that’s out of your conscious control.

Something that I rarely see other folks talk about.

It’s something so well hidden, you don’t even know it exists.

Yet it’s so powerful, it constantly affects your thoughts, emotions and your energy so that you can’t manifest all the love you want.

"Come on, Brian, what is it?!"

I found that there’s one hidden “mind toxin” in the unconscious part of your mind, that prevents you from manifesting love. That toxin is your set of unconscious “truths" about you, other people and the world around you.

In other words, it’s your core paradigm - your “glasses” through which you look at the world. 

Yeah, you guessed it - they still don’t get what they want.

Same with different courses, books, hypnosis, meditation and other “solutions.”

People do this, yet they still suffer in their relationships.

Maybe you had a similar experience?

So what is it then?

What determines whether you get what you want or not?

Well, for 30 years, I’ve been asking this question myself.

And I found the answer in 2011, when I nearly died.

So I propose it’s something way deeper and much more subtle than your thoughts, beliefs, or your vibration.

It’s something that’s out of your conscious control.

Something that I rarely see other folks talk about.

It’s something so well hidden, you don’t even know it exists.

Yet it’s so powerful, it constantly affects your thoughts, emotions and your energy so that you can’t manifest all the love you want.

"Come on, Brian, what is it?!"

I found that there’s one hidden “mind toxin” in the unconscious part of your mind, that prevents you from manifesting love.

That toxin is your set of unconscious “truths" about you, other people and the world around you.

In other words, it’s your core paradigm - your “glasses” through which you look at the world. 

Glasses that distort your reality and show you a world that it’s entirely different to how it really looks like.

And the catch here is - you don’t even know you’re wearing those glasses.

I’m sure you’ve heard those funny stories of people looking for their glasses - while having them on their nose all the time. Well, similarly, you have these glasses - this paradigm - always on, and you have no idea that’s the case. And here’s why:

And the catch here is - you don’t even know you’re wearing those glasses.

I’m sure you’ve heard those funny stories of people looking for their glasses - while having them on their nose all the time.

Well, similarly, you have these glasses - this paradigm - always on, and you have no idea that’s the case.

And here’s why:

This paradigm is the foundation of the entire modern world

Our science is based on it. The entire industry is based on it. They’re teaching it to kids in schools. All the music, books and movies - they’re all based on this paradigm.

As a consequence, every person on Earth is programmed to believe in this paradigm. Right from the very first day we’ve been born, we were given those “paradigm glasses” to wear. 

And we’ve been wearing them for so long, we stopped noticing we have them.

And it’s not that we had a choice. Remember, this happened when we were kids. As kids, we didn’t question the “facts” and “truths” we’ve been taught. So we didn’t question this paradigm, either.

This paradigm is called the Newtonian paradigm. And there wouldn't be anything wrong with it except for the fact that . . . 

This paradigm is in total opposition to your true nature!

Therefore, it silently destroys all your efforts at having amazing relationships - without you even knowing it . . . And even if you say you don’t believe in this paradigm.

I’ll show you what it all means in a moment. But first, I want to show you how I discovered it - and how it changed my life.

This paradigm is the foundation of the entire modern world

Our science is based on it. The entire industry is based on it.

They’re teaching it to kids in schools.

All the music, books and movies - they’re all based on this paradigm.

As a consequence, every person on Earth is programmed to believe in this paradigm.

Right from the very first day we’ve been born, we were given those “paradigm glasses” to wear. 

And we’ve been wearing them for so long, we stopped noticing we have them.

And it’s not that we had a choice. Remember, this happened when we were kids.

As kids, we didn’t question the “facts” and “truths” we’ve been taught.

So we didn’t question this paradigm, either.

This paradigm is called the Newtonian paradigm.

And there wouldn't be anything wrong with it except for the fact that . . . 

This paradigm is in total opposition to your true nature!

Therefore, it silently destroys all your efforts at having amazing relationships - without you even knowing it . . .

And even if you say you don’t believe in this paradigm.

I’ll show you what it all means in a moment.

But first, I want to show you how I discovered it - and how it changed my life.

A Suicidal Man Makes Life-Changing Discovery

The reason I’m still alive and writing this message to you is because I erased the Newtonian paradigm from my mind for good.

I discovered it in January 2011. This is when after 30 years of fruitless self-help journey I hit rock bottom. 

In a matter of a week,  . . .

  • I lost my house in Lexington, SC.
  • My Mercedes ML430.
  • All my money.
  • And I almost caused my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids . . .

To sleep on the streets and search for food in dumpsters!

For over three decades I tried to improve my life - but I couldn’t do it. My life was an endless series of failures, starting from my childhood when my father beat me, cursed, and called me names every single day. 

So in 2011, my entire life fell to pieces and I failed my loved ones. This is when my pain went through the roof, and I wanted to die.

On January 3rd, 2011, around 10 am, I was 2 steps from walking off the bridge - and ending it all. 

But I couldn’t do it. I couldn't just leave my family out there with no one to protect them. With my hands shaking and tears dropping from my eyes, I slowly stepped back.

I was given a second chance - that allowed a miracle to happen.

This "near-suicide" event had shaken me so much, it opened my mind to a new discovery that changed my life forever. 

A Suicidal Man Makes Life-Changing Discovery

The reason I’m still alive and writing this message to you is because I erased the Newtonian paradigm from my mind for good.

I discovered it in January 2011. This is when after 30 years of fruitless self-help journey I hit rock bottom. 

In a matter of a week,  . . .

  • I lost my house in Lexington, SC.
  • My Mercedes ML430.
  • All my money.
  • And I almost caused my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids . . .

To sleep on the streets and search for food in dumpsters!

For over three decades I tried to improve my life - but I couldn’t do it.

My life was an endless series of failures, starting from my childhood when my father beat me, cursed, and called me names every single day. 

So in 2011, my entire life fell to pieces and I failed my loved ones.

This is when my pain went through the roof, and I wanted to die.

On January 3rd, 2011, around 10 am, I was 2 steps from walking off the bridge - and ending it all. 

But I couldn’t do it. I couldn't just leave my family out there with no one to protect them.

With my hands shaking and tears dropping from my eyes, I slowly stepped back.

I was given a second chance - that allowed a miracle to happen.

This "near-suicide" event had shaken me so much, it opened my mind to a new discovery that changed my life forever. 

This discovery changed everything

This is when I was guided by my intuition to discover the Newtonian paradigm. The paradigm that I had no clue existed. Yet it was always with me. It was the one hidden obstacle that kept me stuck in misery for 30 years, despite all my inner work. 

In 67 days, this insight took me from a broken, miserable, angry and lonely scrap of a guy - to living my dream life in Hawaii.

Thanks to this one insight, today, I consider myself the happiest person on the planet.

And I don’t remember the last time I struggled with my relationships . . . 

Worried about money . . . 

Or anything else.

I’m 57 this year, and I’m in the best health I’ve ever been.

This very insight allowed me to help 160,361 people from 84 countries to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

This discovery changed everything

This is when I was guided by my intuition to discover the Newtonian paradigm.

The paradigm that I had no clue existed.

Yet it was always with me. It was the one hidden obstacle that kept me stuck in misery for 30 years, despite all my inner work. 

In 67 days, this insight took me from a broken, miserable, angry and lonely scrap of a guy - to living my dream life in Hawaii.

Thanks to this one insight, today, I consider myself the happiest person on the planet.

And I don’t remember the last time I struggled with my relationships . . . 

Worried about money . . . 

Or anything else.

I’m 57 this year, and I’m in the best health I’ve ever been.

This very insight allowed me to help 160,361 people from 84 countries to thrive in all aspects of their lives.

Michael Sypsomos

"After investing over $500K in personal development over 40 years, I thought I knew it all. Within just a few minutes with Brian, he helped me re-think everything I do. Amazing!"

Mike Sypsomos

In a moment, I’ll use this insight to help you create breakthroughs in your relationship.

Breakthroughs that are faster and easier to get than you think possible . . . And they last!

But first, let me show you what the Newtonian paradigm is all about, and . . . 

How it affects your life without you even knowing it

You see, in 1687, Sir Isaac Newton presented his revolutionary (at that time) theories - the laws of motion and the law of universal gravity. 

Isaac Newton

In plain English, he described the entire universe as a giant clock - cold, mechanical construction based on matter and physical forces. 

His discoveries not only revolutionized science . . . 

But they changed the entire world.

They became the igniting point for the industrial revolution that changed not only the way the world looks like today . . . But also the way we think, live and work. 

Which, unfortunately, is in total opposition to who we REALLY are.

Because if this paradigm was in line with our true nature, living on Earth would be a bliss, wouldn’t it?

All the technology and industry would serve our greatest good and we would live in love, peace and prosperity.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Look at your life. Look at the people around you.

  • Why do so many folks say life is hard? 
  • Why do so many people struggle? 
  • Why are so many people poor, hungry, lonely and chronically depressed?

If all these inventions, products and ideas were really created to our benefit - wouldn’t you say we should be living the best lives ever? That would make sense, wouldn’t it?

Yet that’s not the case. That’s because over 330 years ago, the entire world accepted one common paradigm that took us away from our true power . . .

In plain English, he described the entire universe as a giant clock - cold, mechanical construction based on matter and physical forces. 

His discoveries not only revolutionized science . . . 

But they changed the entire world.

They became the igniting point for the industrial revolution that changed not only the way the world looks like today . . .

But also the way we think, live and work. 

Which, unfortunately, is in total opposition to who we REALLY are.

Because if this paradigm was in line with our true nature, living on Earth would be a bliss, wouldn’t it?

All the technology and industry would serve our greatest good and we would live in love, peace and prosperity.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Look at your life. Look at the people around you.

  • Why do so many folks say life is hard? 
  • Why do so many people struggle? 
  • Why are so many people poor, hungry, lonely and chronically depressed?

If all these inventions, products and ideas were really created to our benefit - wouldn’t you say we should be living the best lives ever?

That would make sense, wouldn’t it?

Yet that’s not the case.

That’s because over 330 years ago, the entire world accepted one common paradigm that took us away from our true power . . .

And made us forget who we really are!

According to the Newtonian paradigm, we live in a physical world ruled by physical laws and that’s it. It doesn’t matter that Einstein proved Newton wrong. The entire world still follows this stale paradigm - and kids still learn about it in schools.

This paradigm tells you that:

  • You’re born. Then you struggle for a few decades. And then you die. The end.
  • You're a powerless cog in a giant machine that has no influence on anything.
  • You’re separated.
  • You’re divided.
  • You’re wrong and broken and you have to obey the authorities.

There’s no space for energy. There’s no space for it’s healing and creating powers. 

There’s just matter and a cold mechanical world.

That’s what we’ve been programmed to believe from the very first day we were born. 

  • We’ve heard this over and over again from our parents, friends and teachers.
  • We’ve watched movies that made us believe in it.
  • We’ve listened to music that promoted it.

And it was so easy to believe in since no matter where we looked, we saw this to be “true.” 

Now, here's a crazy thing.

And made us forget who we really are!

According to the Newtonian paradigm, we live in a physical world ruled by physical laws and that’s it.

It doesn’t matter that Einstein proved Newton wrong.

The entire world still follows this stale paradigm - and kids still learn about it in schools.

This paradigm tells you that:

  • You’re born. Then you struggle for a few decades. And then you die. The end.
  • You're a powerless cog in a giant machine that has no influence on anything.
  • You’re separated.
  • You’re divided.
  • You’re wrong and broken and you have to obey the authorities.

There’s no space for energy. There’s no space for it’s healing and creating powers. 

There’s just matter and a cold mechanical world.

That’s what we’ve been programmed to believe from the very first day we were born. 

  • We’ve heard this over and over again from our parents, friends and teachers.
  • We’ve watched movies that made us believe in it.
  • We’ve listened to music that promoted it.

And it was so easy to believe in since no matter where we looked, we saw this to be “true.” 

Now, here's a crazy thing.

You may think it’s ridiculous - but this doesn’t make it go away

These days, you may say that you don’t believe in the Newtonian paradigm.

You may call it ridiculous and think you’re beyond it.

You may be walking around saying, “I’m spiritual,” “everything’s energy,” and “we’re all one.”

That’s all well and good, BUT . . .

This doesn’t make the Newtonian paradigm go away from your mind!


The Newtonian paradigm is like a primal operating system that forces all the other systems to follow its instructions.

It creates the foundation of how you perceive yourself and the world around you. 

It creates the “distorted glasses” that you forgot you’re wearing!

Let me put it this way. The Newtonian paradigm is like a brick wall that surrounds you. No matter which side you look at, all you can see is that wall. 

You may think it’s ridiculous - but this doesn’t make it go away

These days, you may say that you don’t believe in the Newtonian paradigm.

You may call it ridiculous and think you’re beyond it.

You may be walking around saying, “I’m spiritual,” “everything’s energy,” and “we’re all one.”

That’s all well and good, BUT . . .

This doesn’t make the Newtonian paradigm go away from your mind!


The Newtonian paradigm is like a primal operating system that forces all the other systems to follow its instructions.

It creates the foundation of how you perceive yourself and the world around you. 

It creates the “distorted glasses” that you forgot you’re wearing!

Let me put it this way. The Newtonian paradigm is like a brick wall that surrounds you.

No matter which side you look at, all you can see is that wall. 

terrified little boy

You were made to believe that there's nothing beyond it. So you unconsciously accepted that what you see inside of this wall represents your entire reality. In other words . . . 

You were made to believe that you’re limited, small and insignificant.

You’ve built this wall, layer after layer with each consecutive “truth” about life you accepted in your childhood. 

You were made to believe that there's nothing beyond it.

So you unconsciously accepted that what you see inside of this wall represents your entire reality.

In other words . . . 

You were made to believe that you’re limited, small and insignificant.

You’ve built this wall, layer after layer with each consecutive “truth” about life you accepted in your childhood. 

  • Your father told you you won’t get a new toy because you were bad? You added a layer of bricks that tells you “I don’t deserve.”
  • Have kids in school bullied you? You added a layer of bricks that tells you “I’m a weirdo.”

You get the gist.

But here’s the crucial thing. 

Frozen emotions are the key

Every wall needs a glue to hold together. In this case, the glue that holds the Newtonian paradigm in your mind are all the frozen emotions you don’t want to feel.

Let me show you an example. Let’s say you’re 5 years old, and you want to play outside with your friends. 

You ask your mother if you can go out. But she tells you that to play with kids, you have to help her with the dinner. She says “work first, pleasure comes after.”

So you burst into tears because you see through the window other kids playing. And you don’t understand why you can’t join them.


But instead of explaining this to you, your mother tells you to stop crying because she’s annoyed. And now she gets angry and raises her voice telling you to help her.

In this example situation: 

Frozen emotions are the key

Every wall needs a glue to hold together.

In this case, the glue that holds the Newtonian paradigm in your mind are all the frozen emotions you don’t want to feel.

Let me show you an example. Let’s say you’re 5 years old, and you want to play outside with your friends. 

You ask your mother if you can go out.

But she tells you that to play with kids, you have to help her with the dinner.

She says “work first, pleasure comes after.”

So you burst into tears because you see through the window other kids playing.

And you don’t understand why you can’t join them.


But instead of explaining this to you, your mother tells you to stop crying because she’s annoyed.

And now she gets angry and raises her voice telling you to help her.

In this example situation: 

  • You came to the conclusion that pleasure is only possible after you’ve worked hard.
  • You realized that other people have better lives because they can play while you must work.

  • And you’ve learned that expressing your emotions - in this case sadness -is bad.

Then, this sadness that you couldn’t express became tied to all the conclusions that followed this situation. Your sadness became the glue that holds these conclusions together . . .

It became the mortar for the Newtonian paradigm “wall” in your mind. And you’re suppressing this sadness till this very day. 


Because this emotion and the story tied into it are so unpleasant, you don’t want to feel them!

The same happens with your other unwanted emotions. Stop for a while and think about what happens when you feel fear. Do you let it be and watch it consciously?

I don’t think so.

I think you try as much as you can to stop feeling it - because you believe this will put you back in balance again.

Unfortunately . . . 

Then, this sadness that you couldn’t express became tied to all the conclusions that followed this situation.

Your sadness became the glue that holds these conclusions together . . .

It became the mortar for the Newtonian paradigm “wall” in your mind.

And you’re suppressing this sadness till this very day. 


Because this emotion and the story tied into it are so unpleasant, you don’t want to feel them!

The same happens with your other unwanted emotions.

Stop for a while and think about what happens when you feel fear.

Do you let it be and watch it consciously?

I don’t think so.

I think you try as much as you can to stop feeling it - because you believe this will put you back in balance again.

Unfortunately . . . 

It only makes the Newtonian paradigm even stronger

Why? Because you never let yourself feel and release this emotion. And so it stays with you as well as all the traumas and beliefs that are entangled with this emotion. It’s a vicious cycle.

So you may be clearing your negative beliefs, emotions or traumas - but it’s like getting a tattoo to cover a scar. The scar is still there. 

In a similar way, clearing your negative beliefs doesn’t make the Newtonian paradigm go away. It only makes you feel better for some time. But after a few days, maybe weeks, the Newtonian paradigm will install these beliefs in your mind again.

Same story with affirmations. Yes, you focus on what you want and you repeat these positive statements . . . while deep in your mind, you know they’re fake. 

They’re not congruent with what you’ve been programmed to think and believe - that’s why your mind quickly discards them. This is also why so many people feel some weird resistance from saying affirmations and they quit after a few days.

The same applies to every other technique you’ve ever tried. And don’t get me wrong, these techniques are great. They’re really designed to help you. Yet they’ll work ONLY when you erase the Newtonian paradigm from the depths of your mind.

Without doing it, these techniques only give you a “mental makeup”. They cover the real problem and make you feel good about yourself. 

But the makeup quickly wears away and the true problem - the Newtonian paradigm - remains untouched.

This is the ultimate reason why nothing you’ve tried up until now was able to help you manifest love

I mean, didn’t it seem weird to you? All the hard work, all the knowledge and thousands of dollars you spent on different products . . . And yet, you’re still unhappy and your relationship issues only grow bigger.


Well, it’s because none of the products you bought helped you address the ultimate cause of your relationship issues. Yes, I’m talking about the Newtonian paradigm.

Same thing happened to me. For 30 years, my life was a complete trainwreck despite all my efforts at improving it. Yet when I realized the main thing that kept me stuck was the Newtonian paradigm in my head . . . I let go of it and reinvented my entire life in 67 days.

If you haven’t yet achieved such a change, it’s because you tried living an amazing life secretly believing in the Newtonian Paradigm . . .

Which is anything but amazing.

It only makes the Newtonian paradigm even stronger

Why? Because you never let yourself feel and release this emotion.

And so it stays with you as well as all the traumas and beliefs that are entangled with this emotion.

It’s a vicious cycle.

So you may be clearing your negative beliefs, emotions or traumas - but it’s like getting a tattoo to cover a scar.

The scar is still there. 

In a similar way, clearing your negative beliefs doesn’t make the Newtonian paradigm go away.

It only makes you feel better for some time.

But after a few days, maybe weeks, the Newtonian paradigm will install these beliefs in your mind again.

Same story with affirmations.

Yes, you focus on what you want and you repeat these positive statements . . . while deep in your mind, you know they’re fake. 

They’re not congruent with what you’ve been programmed to think and believe - that’s why your mind quickly discards them.

This is also why so many people feel some weird resistance from saying affirmations and they quit after a few days.

The same applies to every other technique you’ve ever tried.

And don’t get me wrong, these techniques are great. They’re really designed to help you.

Yet they’ll work ONLY when you erase the Newtonian paradigm from the depths of your mind.

Without doing it, these techniques only give you a “mental makeup”.

They cover the real problem and make you feel good about yourself. 

But the makeup quickly wears away and the true problem - the Newtonian paradigm - remains untouched.

This is the ultimate reason why nothing you’ve tried up until now was able to help you manifest love

I mean, didn’t it seem weird to you?

All the hard work, all the knowledge and thousands of dollars you spent on different products . . . 

And yet, you’re still unhappy and your relationship issues only grow bigger.


Well, it’s because none of the products you bought helped you address the ultimate cause of your relationship issues.

Yes, I’m talking about the Newtonian paradigm.

Same thing happened to me.

For 30 years, my life was a complete trainwreck despite all my efforts at improving it.

Yet when I realized the main thing that kept me stuck was the Newtonian paradigm in my head . . .

I let go of it and reinvented my entire life in 67 days.

If you haven’t yet achieved such a change, it’s because you tried living an amazing life secretly believing in the Newtonian Paradigm . . .

Which is anything but amazing.

No wonder you never get what you want!

Having the Newtonian paradigm installed in your mind and trying to change your life is like eating soup with a fork. No matter how many times you swing that fork up and down - only a few drops enter your mouth. In this setting, eating soup is impossible because you chose the wrong tool to do it. 

In the same way, by secretly believing in the Newtonian paradigm, you’re living your life the hardest way possible.

You’re living in opposition to who you truly are. You’re living like a piece of meat that has no power to do anything great in this scary, gray world . . .

While the truth is, you’re an angel!

You’re an infinite, perfect energy that creates everything and breathes life into everything.

No wonder you never get what you want!

Having the Newtonian paradigm installed in your mind and trying to change your life is like eating soup with a fork.

No matter how many times you swing that fork up and down - only a few drops enter your mouth.

In this setting, eating soup is impossible because you chose the wrong tool to do it. 

In the same way, by secretly believing in the Newtonian paradigm, you’re living your life the hardest way possible.

You’re living in opposition to who you truly are.

You’re living like a piece of meat that has no power to do anything great in this scary, gray world . . .

While the truth is, you’re an angel!

You’re an infinite, perfect energy that creates everything and breathes life into everything.

 perfect energy

You created this universe. You’re always connected with it. And you have the power to change your life beyond your wildest dreams.

And now, it’s time to finally unlock this power!

I’ll show you the easiest and fastest way to erase the Newtonian paradigm from the depths of your mind. 

I’ll give you an action plan that can change your relationships beyond everything you’ve ever done. 

Because this plan goes straight to the root of all your 

relationship struggles, frustrations and misery.

First, this plan helps you to express and release the frozen emotions that hold together the Newtonian paradigm in your mind.

Then, it breaks all the “truths”, stories and beliefs entangled with these emotions.

In other words, it helps you let go of the illusions that have been unconsciously holding you back from manifesting love.

By doing these two things, this plan is step-by-step erasing the Newtonian paradigm from your mind.

At the same time, it installs a new paradigm that’s 100% in alignment with your true nature. 

One that fully unlocks your ability to manifest love

And allows you to finally create the relationship you always wanted to have.

What this plan can do for you is like untying the knot on a hose.

When the knot is on, the water won’t flow. But when you untie the knot, the water flows rapidly and with ease. 

Similarly, when you remove the Netwonian paradigm - you remove the “knot” that was blocking your energy from creating what you want. And suddenly, you’ll be flooded with love, just like these ladies:

You created this universe. You’re always connected with it.

And you have the power to change your life beyond your wildest dreams.

And now, it’s time to finally unlock this power!

I’ll show you the easiest and fastest way to erase the Newtonian paradigm from the depths of your mind. 

I’ll give you an action plan that can change your relationships beyond everything you’ve ever done. 

Because this plan goes straight to the root of all your 

relationship struggles, frustrations and misery.

First, this plan helps you to express and release the frozen emotions that hold together the Newtonian paradigm in your mind.

Then, it breaks all the “truths”, stories and beliefs entangled with these emotions.

In other words, it helps you let go of the illusions that have been unconsciously holding you back from manifesting love.

By doing these two things, this plan is step-by-step erasing the Newtonian paradigm from your mind.

At the same time, it installs a new paradigm that’s 100% in alignment with your true nature. 

One that fully unlocks your ability to manifest love

And allows you to finally create the relationship you always wanted to have.

What this plan can do for you is like untying the knot on a hose.

When the knot is on, the water won’t flow.

But when you untie the knot, the water flows rapidly and with ease. 

Similarly, when you remove the Netwonian paradigm - you remove the “knot” that was blocking your energy from creating what you want.

And suddenly, you’ll be flooded with love, just like these ladies:

Deborah Sakamoto

“I ended a non-ideal relationship and almost immediately met the most wonderful man.”

Deborah Sakamoto


“What a great decision!”

“When I first heard about this, I thought “What can a man tell a woman about having a perfect relationship!” I listened to my intuition and tried it. WHAT A GREAT DECISION!”

Joanne Phoenix

Juliet Platt

“I’m more clear about my preferences”

“I am feeling more relaxed and at ease with myself. Less grasping and needy. More comfortable with and clear about my preferences - and requests. A delicious sense of self-love and self-trust.”

Juliet Platt

Caron Prins

“And I thought my relationship was amazing!”

“I seriously thought my relationship with my partner was amazing. Now we are going to new levels I wasn't expecting!”

Caron Prins

What’s more, you’ll realize that all the techniques you’ve been practicing before, will finally start working. That’s because there will be nothing blocking them from giving you what you want. 

In other words, you will stop eating your soup with a fork. You’ll get yourself a “spoon” and suddenly . . .

What’s more, you’ll realize that all the techniques you’ve been practicing before, will finally start working.

That’s because there will be nothing blocking them from giving you what you want. 

In other words, you will stop eating your soup with a fork. You’ll get yourself a “spoon” and suddenly . . .

Getting what you want will become easier than you think possible!

The 30-day “Love Manifestation Plan” I prepared for you will help you get there.

And now, let me introduce to you the core technique of this plan that you’ll follow every day. This technique is called the “Perfect Partner Process” and it changed the lives of thousands of ladies just like you.

To make it work, you just need to answer 4 simple questions and write down your answers every day.

It may seem too simple yet the secret to its power lies in the four questions.

These questions work on your subconscious and energetic levels at the same time.


First, they break the conscious and unconscious illusions about relationships that you absorbed from your parents, friends, mainstream media and other places.

Yes, these illusions are all based on the Newtonian paradigm. So by breaking these illusions one by one, you’re weakening the foundation of the Newtonian paradigm in your mind.

Second, this process gets you to feel all the feelings and emotions you’ve been suppressing for decades. As I mentioned before, these emotions are the glue that holds the Newtonian paradigm together.

So by giving yourself a chance to feel, express and release these emotions . . .

You’re making the Newtonian paradigm collapse and dissolve from your mind.

Getting what you want will become easier than you think possible!

The 30-day “Love Manifestation Plan” I prepared for you will help you get there.

And now, let me introduce to you the core technique of this plan that you’ll follow every day.

This technique is called the “Perfect Partner Process” and it changed the lives of thousands of ladies just like you.

To make it work, you just need to answer 4 simple questions and write down your answers every day.

It may seem too simple yet the secret to its power lies in the four questions.

These questions work on your subconscious and energetic levels at the same time.


First, they break the conscious and unconscious illusions about relationships that you absorbed from your parents, friends, mainstream media and other places.

Yes, these illusions are all based on the Newtonian paradigm.

So by breaking these illusions one by one, you’re weakening the foundation of the Newtonian paradigm in your mind.

Second, this process gets you to feel all the feelings and emotions you’ve been suppressing for decades.

As I mentioned before, these emotions are the glue that holds the Newtonian paradigm together.

So by giving yourself a chance to feel, express and release these emotions . . .

You’re making the Newtonian paradigm collapse and dissolve from your mind.

Erika Ham

“Before I met Brian I believed that pushing away my feelings was healthy. I spanked and controlled my children. I didn’t understand what unconditional love was.”

Erika Ham

To sum up, each time you answer these 4 questions, you’re creating a huge emotional and energetic response in your entire being. 

You’re sending a message to the entire universe letting it know what you TRULY want. And the universe - which is one with you . . . 

Has no other way than to reflect your desires in your life!

You will feel it happen right from the very first minutes of using the “Perfect Partner Process”.


Many ladies say that they felt how something “inside of them” shifted, from the very first day. And you will feel it too.

To sum up, each time you answer these 4 questions, you’re creating a huge emotional and energetic response in your entire being. 

You’re sending a message to the entire universe letting it know what you TRULY want.

And the universe - which is one with you . . . 

Has no other way than to reflect your desires in your life!

You will feel it happen right from the very first minutes of using the “Perfect Partner Process”.


Many ladies say that they felt how something “inside of them” shifted, from the very first day.

And you will feel it too.

Jennifer Morris

“I have felt an amazing relief of judgment and blame I have been holding on to for years and through many partners.”

Jennifer Morris

What’s more, when you read your answers from the previous day . . .


You’ll realize that today, these answers don’t reflect what you truly want. 


So you’ll write new, even more powerful answers. And these answers will create even bigger emotional and energetic response from your being.


That will be a visible sign that the “Perfect Partner Process” works.

That the Newtonian paradigm melts away . . .

What’s more, when you read your answers from the previous day . . .


You’ll realize that today, these answers don’t reflect what you truly want. 


So you’ll write new, even more powerful answers.

And these answers will create even bigger emotional and energetic response from your being.


That will be a visible sign that the “Perfect Partner Process” works.

That the Newtonian paradigm melts away . . .

And that you’re changing!


After the first week of regular practice, you won’t be the same person anymore. Or, rather . . .

You’ll finally become your true self. 

You’ll let go of the illusions that made you forget your true nature. And I’m sure your family and friends will notice the difference.

Especially the men and boys in your life will see the shift within you.

And that you’re changing!


After the first week of regular practice, you won’t be the same person anymore. Or, rather . . .

You’ll finally become your true self. 

You’ll let go of the illusions that made you forget your true nature.

And I’m sure your family and friends will notice the difference.

Especially the men and boys in your life will see the shift within you.

  • You’ll think differently
  • You’ll act differently
  • You’ll walk and talk differently

And more importantly, you’ll feel different. You’ll feel that you really have this power within you. You’ll feel that you truly can manifest all the love you want.


You’ll get clarity on what you truly want from a man. And you’ll notice men looking at you differently. You’ll notice them talking to you in a completely new way.


If you follow the process and stick to your plan, there’s no way this won’t happen for you.

And more importantly, you’ll feel different. You’ll feel that you really have this power within you.

You’ll feel that you truly can manifest all the love you want.


You’ll get clarity on what you truly want from a man. And you’ll notice men looking at you differently.

You’ll notice them talking to you in a completely new way.


If you follow the process and stick to your plan, there’s no way this won’t happen for you.

You’ll notice these changes after just a week of regular practice


And this is when most women usually experience their first breakthrough.

  • Cindy found her dream guy after 12 days . . .
  • Lisa saved her marriage after just 1 week . . .
  • Deborah found a wonderful man before her 2nd week of practice.

And the most amazing part is, they didn’t have to convince their partners to work on themselves. Or they didn’t have to be actively looking for men.


For example, Cindy wasn't out there looking for a new boyfriend.


He found her all on his own.


Or Lisa Cloud. She already gave up on her marriage and her husband has left her house.


Yet, as she unlocked her ability to manifest love, her husband came back to her within a week.


The way he talked and acted was completely different. He truly changed and it wasn’t a temporary improvement like many of us have often experienced.


This guy has truly changed!

And he did it not knowing Lisa has been doing this work.


It works like that because we are all one. 

And the most amazing part is, they didn’t have to convince their partners to work on themselves.

Or they didn’t have to be actively looking for men.


For example, Cindy wasn't out there looking for a new boyfriend.


He found her all on his own.


Or Lisa Cloud. She already gave up on her marriage and her husband has left her house.


Yet, as she unlocked her ability to manifest love, her husband came back to her within a week.


The way he talked and acted was completely different.

He truly changed and it wasn’t a temporary improvement like many of us have often experienced.


This guy has truly changed!

And he did it not knowing Lisa has been doing this work.


It works like that because we are all one. 

We are all connected

So when your energy shifts - it affects the energy of every other person around you. 

They’ll feel it in their gut that something has changed. And they’ll adapt to these changes. Which means, your new energy will make them change all on their own!

I know this may sound far out. I totally get it. If you told me this 11 years ago, I’d laugh at you. But today I know this is true. I experienced it firsthand - not just in my relationships - but in every aspect of my life.

And this process has worked for tens of thousands of women from all walks of life . . .

So I have no doubts it can work for you, too.


Why am I so sure? 


It’s because even though we’re different, again, we’re all created from the same energy. And this process transforms this energy within us, allowing miracles to happen.


So, no matter who you are, your energy is the same. And it always responds in the same way, no matter who does the process.


With each day as you follow the “Perfect Partner Process”, the changes will become more obvious, more powerful and more liberating.


To your surprise, you’ll discover that what you thought you wanted from a man or a relationship wasn’t actually true.


You’ll realize it was just an illusion programmed into you by your parents, friends, teachers, by the movie and music industries and so on.

This will be a visible sign of the Newtonian paradigm falling apart in your head. And as it does, you’ll finally find out what you really, really want from your dream partner.

We are all connected

So when your energy shifts - it affects the energy of every other person around you. 

They’ll feel it in their gut that something has changed. And they’ll adapt to these changes.

Which means, your new energy will make them change all on their own!

I know this may sound far out. I totally get it. If you told me this 11 years ago, I’d laugh at you.

But today I know this is true. I experienced it firsthand - not just in my relationships - but in every aspect of my life.

And this process has worked for tens of thousands of women from all walks of life . . .

So I have no doubts it can work for you, too.


Why am I so sure? 


It’s because even though we’re different, again, we’re all created from the same energy.

And this process transforms this energy within us, allowing miracles to happen.


So, no matter who you are, your energy is the same.

And it always responds in the same way, no matter who does the process.


With each day as you follow the “Perfect Partner Process”, the changes will become more obvious, more powerful and more liberating.


To your surprise, you’ll discover that what you thought you wanted from a man or a relationship wasn’t actually true.


You’ll realize it was just an illusion programmed into you by your parents, friends, teachers, by the movie and music industries and so on.

This will be a visible sign of the Newtonian paradigm falling apart in your head.

And as it does, you’ll finally find out what you really, really want from your dream partner.

And you’ll know how to manifest him into your life!

Or what to do to save your relationship.


Don’t be surprised if your husband suddenly changes without even knowing you’re following this process, like it happened for Lisa Cloud.

Or, if your perfect partner suddenly appears in your life, like it happened for Cindy or Deborah!

Because when you really dive deep into your 30-day plan, and especially the “Perfect Partner Process”, you can experience such a miracle, too.


Now, let me show you your 30-day plan.


In Module 1 you’ll discover the fastest way to calm down, relax and become present.


It’s my breathing technique that I call “Conscious Breathing”.


“Conscious Breathing” is the foundation of my work. It puts you in a relaxed state of full presence in which you can manifest love. That’s why you’ll learn it first.


This way of breathing is very intuitive and easy to do. Most ladies master it in less than an hour.


And, as you'll find out in Module 1, the benefits of breathing this way extend way beyond your relationship.


Then, you’ll begin Module 2.


In this module, you’ll receive a short booklet in pdf and audio formats.


This booklet is called “Your Perfect Man: Discover the Missing Key that Unlocks Your Natural Ability to Manifest Love.”

In it, I take you by the hand and walk you through the core ideas that make the “Perfect Partner Process” so powerful. It’ll be your guide to using this process for maximum benefit.

When you grasp these concepts, you’ll receive much better results, faster.

The best part is, you’ll read or listen to this short book in just 2-3 hours. 


That’s because this book contains only the information vital for you to get amazing results. No fluff and fillers. Just pure essence.


After you’ve read the book, you’ll begin Module 3.


In this module, you’ll watch a 30-minute video of me explaining how to use the “Perfect Partner Process.”


I’ll walk you through all four questions and show examples to inspire you.


It will take you just 3-4 hours to complete these three modules. And already there, you’ll know more about relationships than probably any other person you know. 


After just 4 short hours, you’ll have a solid foundation to completely change your relationship.


Then, you’ll begin the last and most important module - Module 4.


In it, you’ll start working with your own “Perfect Partner Process.”


As I mentioned earlier, you’ll be answering four simple questions every day for 30 days.

And these questions will make your Newtonian paradigm collapse and . . . 

And you’ll know how to manifest him into your life!

Or what to do to save your relationship.


Don’t be surprised if your husband suddenly changes without even knowing you’re following this process, like it happened for Lisa Cloud.

Or, if your perfect partner suddenly appears in your life, like it happened for Cindy or Deborah!

Because when you really dive deep into your 30-day plan, and especially the “Perfect Partner Process”, you can experience such a miracle, too.


Now, let me show you your 30-day plan.


In Module 1 you’ll discover the fastest way to calm down, relax and become present.


It’s my breathing technique that I call “Conscious Breathing”.


“Conscious Breathing” is the foundation of my work. It puts you in a relaxed state of full presence in which you can manifest love.

That’s why you’ll learn it first.


This way of breathing is very intuitive and easy to do. Most ladies master it in less than an hour.


And, as you'll find out in Module 1, the benefits of breathing this way extend way beyond your relationship.


Then, you’ll begin Module 2.


In this module, you’ll receive a short booklet in pdf and audio formats.


This booklet is called “Your Perfect Man: Discover the Missing Key that Unlocks Your Natural Ability to Manifest Love.”

In it, I take you by the hand and walk you through the core ideas that make the “Perfect Partner Process” so powerful.

It’ll be your guide to using this process for maximum benefit.

When you grasp these concepts, you’ll receive much better results, faster.

The best part is, you’ll read or listen to this short book in just 2-3 hours. 


That’s because this book contains only the information vital for you to get amazing results.

No fluff and fillers. Just pure essence.


After you’ve read the book, you’ll begin Module 3.


In this module, you’ll watch a 30-minute video of me explaining how to use the “Perfect Partner Process.”


I’ll walk you through all four questions and show examples to inspire you.


It will take you just 3-4 hours to complete these three modules.

And already there, you’ll know more about relationships than probably any other person you know. 


After just 4 short hours, you’ll have a solid foundation to completely change your relationship.


Then, you’ll begin the last and most important module - Module 4.


In it, you’ll start working with your own “Perfect Partner Process.”


As I mentioned earlier, you’ll be answering four simple questions every day for 30 days.

And these questions will make your Newtonian paradigm collapse and . . . 

Infuse magic into your relationship!


Plus, when you begin this module, you’ll receive daily emails from me, to help you stay on track.


You’ll have the opportunity to respond to these emails and ask questions. I’ll get back to you with answers as soon as possible to make sure you never get stuck.


Follow this plan and ask questions whenever you need to, and I guarantee you’ll see amazing results in 30 days.


Maybe even sooner, because women who really dive deep into it, experience breakthroughs in under 12 days. In some cases, even in a few hours!


And there are tens of thousands of women who changed their relationships for good, by following these techniques.

Infuse magic into your relationship!


Plus, when you begin this module, you’ll receive daily emails from me, to help you stay on track.


You’ll have the opportunity to respond to these emails and ask questions.

I’ll get back to you with answers as soon as possible to make sure you never get stuck.


Follow this plan and ask questions whenever you need to, and I guarantee you’ll see amazing results in 30 days.


Maybe even sooner, because women who really dive deep into it, experience breakthroughs in under 12 days.

In some cases, even in a few hours!


And there are tens of thousands of women who changed their relationships for good, by following these techniques.

Julie P. Writer

“Brian’s work is totally NEXT-LEVEL!”

“I was very doubtful after trying so many things. But I heard SO many people I knew praising Brian’s work, so I took a chance. Brian’s work is totally next-level. For the first time, I feel truly stable and balanced when it comes to men.”

Julie P. Writer

Pallavi Kapoor

“In less than an hour, the grief was gone”

“In less than an hour, the grief I’d carried from the passing of my first husband was gone. Completely gone. I have tried so many things, but this process is just amazing.”

Pallavi Kapoor

Elaine Rosales

“I can LOVE again!”

“In the past I thought I couldn't love anyone fully or be loved, Now I can love myself and others unconditionally without any expectation. I am more present listening in conversations and notice I am no longer reacting.”

Elaine Rosales

Connie Smith

“I am happy - no matter what!”

“I have never been SO happy being single. I KNOW I don’t need anyone else in my life to ‘make me happy’. And now I KNOW I can finally function sanely and lovingly again in a real relationship.”

Connie Smith

Apart from your “30-day Love Manifesting Plan”, you also get two supporting tools to use whenever you feel like.


The first tool is called the “Relationship Release Process.”

It’s an audio file that is a bit similar to a guided meditation, yet way more powerful. 

  • This process can help you restart the relationship you already have. It can help you let go of the old habits, thoughts and emotions that kept you two fighting all the time.
  • It can help you finally say goodbye to some old love you never got over.
  • And it can help you dissolve grief and find peace after losing the person you loved.
  • This process can help you restart the relationship you already have.

    It can help you let go of the old habits, thoughts and emotions that kept you two fighting all the time.
  • It can help you finally say goodbye to some old love you never got over.
  • And it can help you dissolve grief and find peace after losing the person you loved.

It costs $88. You get it for free.

The second supporting tool is my famous “Inner Child Meditation.” 

This mediation helps you stay calm and centered, and access your infinite guidance.

Do it whenever you feel anger, sadness, or fear, and feel how your energy shifts, your body relaxes and your mind finds peace. 

This audio meditation normally costs $88. Yet, you get it for free.

And last but not least, you also get access to a Facebook group for women only, where you can meet other like-minded women and ask questions. 

All of these resources are designed to help you unlock your natural ability to manifest love. 

  • Whether you want to find the right man . . .
  • Be seen, cherished and loved for who you are . . .
  • Make your partner change and reflect what you truly want from him . . .
  • Or heal the relationships with your kids, parents or friends . . .

This 30-day plan and the free tolls can help you manifest it all just as they did for tens of thousands of women.

Normally, the “Perfect Partner Process” was sold as a part of a live mentoring program. And women have been happily paying $444 to join this program and work with me on their relationship issues.

But in this case, you get the “Perfect Partner Process” as a part of your 30-day “Love Manifestation Plan” - which is way cheaper than $444.

In fact, it doesn’t even cost a fourth of this price.

Because when you order it right now, you can have it all for just $88.

$88 - that’s about three dollars a day for 30 days. That’s what you pay for a cup of coffee.

So for a cup of coffee per day, you get a plan that can completely transform your relationships. 

It’s impossible to put a price tag on your happiness, love and an amazing relationship. These are priceless.

And now, for mere $3 a day, you can get the ultimate solution to your relationship problems. 

One that helped thousands of women like you.

Now you know what blocked your ability to manifest love - it’s the Newtonian paradigm in the depths of your mind.

And right now, you can start dissolving it the simplest way possible . . . 

This 30-day plan and the free tolls can help you manifest it all just as they did for tens of thousands of women.

Normally, the “Perfect Partner Process” was sold as a part of a live mentoring program.

And women have been happily paying $444 to join this program and work with me on their relationship issues.

But in this case, you get the “Perfect Partner Process” as a part of your 30-day “Love Manifestation Plan” - which is way cheaper than $444.

In fact, it doesn’t even cost a fourth of this price.

Because when you order it right now, you can have it all for just $88.

$88 - that’s about three dollars a day for 30 days. That’s what you pay for a cup of coffee.

So for a cup of coffee per day, you get a plan that can completely transform your relationships. 

It’s impossible to put a price tag on your happiness, love and an amazing relationship.

These are priceless.

And now, for mere $3 a day, you can get the ultimate solution to your relationship problems. 

One that helped thousands of women like you.

Now you know what blocked your ability to manifest love - it’s the Newtonian paradigm in the depths of your mind.

And right now, you can start dissolving it the simplest way possible . . . 

And finally experience the relationship miracle you dream about!

When you get this 30-day plan and dive deep into it, I know you’ll see amazing results FAST!

There are women who have completely changed their relationships in 12 days.

And I guarantee that you’ll see results in the first 30 days of regular practice . . . 

Or it’s FREE!

My 180-Day Money Back Guarantee

It works like this: Get your 30-Day “Love Manifestation Plan” and go through all the modules. Then, work with the “Perfect Partner Process” every day. 

If you do this and see no difference in 30 days, just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

Yet, when you see results, you’ll have an additional 5 months to further test it.

In total, you get 6 months - 180 days - to test it and make sure it works for you.

But based on the results from tens of thousands of women, I’m convinced this 30-day plan will bring you true and lasting breakthroughs in your relationship.

So to get your “30-Day Love Manifestation Plan” for just 88 dollars, click the orange button below that says “I Want to Manifest Love”

My 180-Day Money Back Guarantee

It works like this: Get your 30-Day “Love Manifestation Plan” and go through all the modules.

Then, work with the “Perfect Partner Process” every day. 

If you do this and see no difference in 30 days, just let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your purchase.

Yet, when you see results, you’ll have an additional 5 months to further test it.

In total, you get 6 months - 180 days - to test it and make sure it works for you.

But based on the results from tens of thousands of women, I’m convinced this 30-day plan will bring you true and lasting breakthroughs in your relationship.

So to get your “30-Day Love Manifestation Plan” for just 88 dollars, click the orange button below that says “I Want to Manifest Love”

What if you don’t get this plan today? Well, no one can know for sure. What I do know is that, over the years, there have been thousands of people who found me and decided not to follow my guidance.

Many of them got back to me months or years later, more desperate than ever before.

It’s because their issues grew even bigger and nothing was able to help them.

So if you too have been struggling with your relationship for years, you might experience a similar thing. And if you are to come back to get this plan later, this offer might be long gone.

But what if you take advantage of this special offer and get your 30-day plan now?

Again, no one knows for sure. Yet, I’ve seen miracles happening for thousands of women who used this process.

Based on that, I know it has all it takes to help you find unlimited happiness in your relationship.

So why don’t you try it?

You have nothing to lose because you have an entire 6 months to see whether the “Perfect Partner Process” works for you!

If not, just let me know and I’ll refund you the full cost.

And if it works for you . . . 

You can finally let go of the ghosts of your past and become 

unconditionally happy, safe, loved, cherished and seen!

What if you don’t get this plan today? Well, no one can know for sure.

What I do know is that, over the years, there have been thousands of people who found me and decided not to follow my guidance.

Many of them got back to me months or years later, more desperate than ever before.

It’s because their issues grew even bigger and nothing was able to help them.

So if you too have been struggling with your relationship for years, you might experience a similar thing.

And if you are to come back to get this plan later, this offer might be long gone.

But what if you take advantage of this special offer and get your 30-day plan now?

Again, no one knows for sure.

Yet, I’ve seen miracles happening for thousands of women who used this process.

Based on that, I know it has all it takes to help you find unlimited happiness in your relationship.

So why don’t you try it?

You have nothing to lose because you have an entire 6 months to see whether the “Perfect Partner Process” works for you!

If not, just let me know and I’ll refund you the full cost.

And if it works for you . . . 

You can finally let go of the ghosts of your past and become 

unconditionally happy, safe, loved, cherished and seen!

Imagine the joy . . .

Imagine the excitement you’ll feel when your dream partner approaches you out of the blue.

Picture the unlimited joy as you realize that he didn’t become cold and distant like all the other guys.

He’s right there with you - and he isn't going anywhere!

If you’re in a relationship - picture the stunned look on your face and feel the deep relief when you notice that your partner has really changed, this time for good.

Imagine him talking to you like he did when you first met. See the passion in his eyes when he looks at you. When he makes those tiny surprises . . . buys you flowers or takes you places.

Picture yourself 30 days from now, happier, more confident and relaxed than ever before.

It’s because you know you’re infinitely safe to be yourself. And that finding your perfect partner isn’t an issue anymore, because you’ve finally unlocked your ability to manifest love.

And as a “side effect,” you’ve discovered that you’re always infinitely loved.

And that happiness is within you, so you don’t have to search for it in men.

You’re finally free to be yourself and have all the love you ever wanted. And you’re making this happen.

Which is exactly what you deserve and what I want for you.

This is also why, when you click the button, on the next page you won’t see a so-called upsell.

I won’t try to sell you more of my products because this single plan is ALL you need to change your relationship. 

This plan is 100% complete with no hidden catch and no obligation to buy anything else.

Just one payment of $88 - and the plan is yours, ready to help you transform your relationships beyond your wildest dreams.

To make it happen, click the orange button below and get your “30-day Love Manifestation Plan” with all the free bonuses for just $88.

Imagine the joy . . .

Imagine the excitement you’ll feel when your dream partner approaches you out of the blue.

Picture the unlimited joy as you realize that he didn’t become cold and distant like all the other guys.

He’s right there with you - and he isn't going anywhere!

If you’re in a relationship - picture the stunned look on your face and feel the deep relief when you notice that your partner has really changed, this time for good.

Imagine him talking to you like he did when you first met.

See the passion in his eyes when he looks at you.

When he makes those tiny surprises . . . buys you flowers or takes you places.

Picture yourself 30 days from now, happier, more confident and relaxed than ever before.

It’s because you know you’re infinitely safe to be yourself.

And that finding your perfect partner isn’t an issue anymore, because you’ve finally unlocked your ability to manifest love.

And as a “side effect,” you’ve discovered that you’re always infinitely loved.

And that happiness is within you, so you don’t have to search for it in men.

You’re finally free to be yourself and have all the love you ever wanted. And you’re making this happen.

Which is exactly what you deserve and what I want for you.

This is also why, when you click the button, on the next page you won’t see a so-called upsell.

I won’t try to sell you more of my products because this single plan is ALL you need to change your relationship. 

This plan is 100% complete with no hidden catch and no obligation to buy anything else.

Just one payment of $88 - and the plan is yours, ready to help you transform your relationships beyond your wildest dreams.

To make it happen, click the orange button below and get your “30-day Love Manifestation Plan” with all the free bonuses for just $88.

When you click this button, you’ll be taken to a secure order page which looks like this:

order form

This is where you’ll safely complete your order - because all your data is encrypted and protected. 

Remember - many women changed their lives with this process in just 12 days.


And I guarantee you’ll see amazing results in under 30 days of regular practice - or it’s free!

So to allow a relationship miracle to happen for you, click the button below right now:

PS. Where will you be in 6 months if you keep on struggling in your relationships?

Chances are you’ll feel even more frustrated, sad and lonely than ever before.

You’ll see your friends having kids, going out, laughing and having fun . . .

And you’ll feel awkward around them.

You’ll feel that you don’t fit.

And what about your family?

Can you imagine next Christmas with all those uncomfortable questions from your aunts, cousins or grandpas?


But it doesn’t have to be like that!

You can get your 30-day “Love Manifestation Plan” and begin working with it right now.

In three to four hours - you’ll already see the first changes.

After the first week, these changes will become more obvious. If you’re like other women who really dive into it, this is when you’ll experience your first big breakthrough.

In a month from now, your entire reality will change. 

You’ll be more confident, calm and more happy than ever before . . . 

Because you’ll know that you can finally be happy in your relationships.

In fact, I guarantee you’ll experience a big change - or this plan is 100% FREE!

It costs just $88 - which is about $3 a day for 30 days.

When you consider that your happiness and an amazing relationship that you can have are priceless . . . 

$3 is a laughable price for such a dramatic change in your life.

To make this change happen, click the button below and get your 30-day “Love Manifestation Plan” right now:

Frequently Asked Questions

I realized you might have some unanswered questions about the “30-Day Love Manifestation Plan”. So let me answer them for you right now.

I realized you might have some unanswered questions about the “30-Day Love Manifestation Plan”.

So let me answer them for you right now.

I fear this plan won’t work for me and I’ll experience yet another disappointment.

I understand that. It’s completely normal to feel this way. For over 30 years, I felt like that, too. Truth be told, I invested well over $300,000 in different self-help programs and none of these helped me make a real change in my life. That’s why when I create my own offers, my #1 goal is that they deliver amazing results. And thanks to my 180-day guarantee, you can see if this plan works for you without any risk whatsoever.

Will this plan work for me no matter if I’m single or in a relationship?

This plan works for everyone. That’s because it not only affects your subconscious mind but also your energy. So when your energy changes, people around you change as well, because we are all One. 

If you’re in a relationship, your partner will be affected by your changed energy, and he will change, too. And if you’re single, your new energy will attract a partner who resonates with you. He’ll literally feel magnetized to find and approach you.

You say I’ll experience the first results in three to four hours. What kind of results?

Everyone is different and everyone experiences this differently. But women who went through this process say they felt something changing inside of them right from the start. They realized they started to think differently about themselves, men and relationships. They also felt a bit “lighter” and more relaxed as they gained more clarity about what they really have to do to improve their relationships.

If Brian’s work is so amazing, why didn’t I hear about him before?

I’m not your typical spiritual “guru”. I don’t tell you what you want to hear to make you feel better about yourself. I’m always straightforward and upfront with people I work with. I share ideas and tools that are often contrary to what the self-help industry promotes. And some people don’t like it. 

But that’s fine. Those who are ready for my help find me all on their own. I already helped over 160,000 people from 84 countries, including billionaires and celebrities you know from TV. I’m also a #1 international bestselling author and my book has well over 300 five-star reviews on Amazon.

So if you’re here, it means you were guided to find me. That’s why my guidance can really help you, if you allow it.

I hope I’ve answered your questions in this FAQ section. So if you’re ready to claim your “30-Day Love Manifestation Plan” for just $$88 click the button below right now:

I hope I’ve answered your questions in this FAQ section.

So if you’re ready to claim your “30-Day Love Manifestation Plan” for just $$88 click the button below right now:

Remember, you’re protected by my 180-day money-back guarantee. This means you can get this plan and test it for 6 months with no financial risk.

Get it now before it’s too late and this offer is gone. Click the “I Want to Manifest Love” button below right now:

Remember, you’re protected by my 180-day money-back guarantee.

This means you can get this plan and test it for 6 months with no financial risk.

Get it now before it’s too late and this offer is gone.

Click the “I Want to Manifest Love” button below right now: