ALERT: Exclusive Opportunity for Total Life Transformation

Announcing two new dates for the revolutionary 4.5-Day "Your New Beginning" Intensive Featuring Brian D. Ridgway's groundbreaking live Spellbreaking system: September & November 2024 - Big Island, Hawaii

Unlock Your True Potential in Just 4.5 Days

Experience Brian D. Ridgway's Revolutionary Live Spellbreaking System 

Transform Your Life at the "Your New Beginning" Intensive

Break Free from Your Past

  • Resolve deep-rooted trauma
  • Shatter self-sabotaging patterns
  • Ignite your dormant potential

Experience a transformation so profound, you'll divide your life into "before" and "after"...

Dear Friend,

It's time to transform once and for all.

Are you tired of the "Event High" followed by inevitable disappointment? 

Weary of the eye-rolling from "supportive" family and friends? 

The excruciating "I told you so's"? 

You KNOW there's a way to something more.

The frustration of not living your beliefs. 

The intuition that you're playing small. 

Every time you're finally getting ahead, something happens, and you're back to square one.

Here's the good news… You're right. It doesn't have to be this way.

You've invested so much in events where hoped-for changes don't stick. The same old “patterns”, conflicts, hurt, anger, sadness, and fear keep resurfacing.

It's like a spiritual game of Snakes and Ladders. 

Except this game is your life, and until now, it hasn't been fun.

You've experienced a boatload of "lessons"; maybe you've faced the worst of human nature as a defenseless child.

It seems heartbreaking. But it isn't. Not here at Level 5.

You're infinitely more powerful than these circumstances suggest…

As Erica says in the video you're about to watch, Brian doesn't show sympathy at the four-day event; he doesn't feel sorry for you.

Instead, he offers intense compassion and a single-minded focus on results.

Brian will dissolve years (even decades!) of “stuck” trauma in four and a half days (or, in Kelly's case, 15 minutes before dinner on Day 3 of the last event).

After the 'Your New Beginning' intensive at Coco Wasi, you won't recognize the person who walked in.

Thank the Source of your choice.

You'll be "better"; things you thought were impossible will become simple.

This four-and-a-half-day event produces results that leave self-help experts with decades of experience shaking their heads.

I know these are big claims. I expect you to be skeptical. I encourage it.

All I ask is that you read on, watch this video, keep an open mind, and let others who attended the first three events make our case for you to join us in Hawaii at one of our two new events.

Dear Friend,

It's time to transform once and for all.

Are you tired of the "Event High" followed by inevitable disappointment? 

Weary of the eye-rolling from "supportive" family and friends? 

The excruciating "I told you so's"? 

You KNOW there's a way to something more.

The frustration of not living your beliefs. 

The intuition that you're playing small. 

Every time you're finally getting ahead, something happens, and you're back to square one.

Here's the good news… You're right. It doesn't have to be this way.

You've invested so much in events where hoped-for changes don't stick.

The same old “patterns”, conflicts, hurt, anger, sadness, and fear keep resurfacing.

It's like a spiritual game of Snakes and Ladders. 

Except this game is your life, and until now, it hasn't been fun.

You've experienced a boatload of "lessons"; maybe you've faced the worst of human nature as a defenseless child.

It seems heartbreaking. But it isn't. Not here at Level 5.

You're infinitely more powerful than these circumstances suggest…

As Erica says in the video you're about to watch, Brian doesn't show sympathy at the four-day event; he doesn't feel sorry for you.

Instead, he offers intense compassion and a single-minded focus on results.

Brian will dissolve years (even decades!) of “stuck” trauma in four and a half days (or, in Kelly's case, 15 minutes before dinner on Day 3 of the last event).

After the 'Your New Beginning' intensive at Coco Wasi, you won't recognize the person who walked in.

Thank the Source of your choice.

You'll be "better"; things you thought were impossible will become simple.

This four-and-a-half-day event produces results that leave self-help experts with decades of experience shaking their heads.

I know these are big claims. I expect you to be skeptical. I encourage it.

All I ask is that you read on, watch this video, keep an open mind, and let others who attended the first three events make our case for you to join us in Hawaii at one of our two new events.

Experiencing Spellbreaking Live Is A Whole New Level

I read Brian's book, and for me, it was the missing link.

I joined Inner Circle, seeing Spellbreaks happen on Zoom was amazing and if I was choosing between spending the monthly fee on therapy or Inner Circle. I figured Inner Circle was a no-brainer.

Seeing Brian Spellbreak with this new in-person process blew my mind.

You saw the attendees from our March event react the same way in the video above.

I'm one of those industry veterans, I advise the businesses behind some of the biggest self-help businesses on the planet.

I have never seen anything produce results like Brian does in-person at this four-day event. 

Some things were, well I’m not sure l can explain it, you’ll see the photos in a couple of minutes.

You saw in the video how beautiful the event environment is.

Turns out, the environment is crucial.

I read Brian's book, and for me, it was the missing link.

I joined Inner Circle, seeing Spellbreaks happen on Zoom was amazing and if I was choosing between spending the monthly fee on therapy or Inner Circle.

I figured Inner Circle was a no-brainer.

Seeing Brian Spellbreak with this new in-person process blew my mind.

You saw the attendees from our March event react the same way in the video above.

I'm one of those industry veterans, I advise the businesses behind some of the biggest self-help businesses on the planet.

I have never seen anything produce results like Brian does in-person at this four-day event. 

Some things were, well I’m not sure l can explain it, you’ll see the photos in a couple of minutes.

You saw in the video how beautiful the event environment is.

Turns out, the environment is crucial.

I Want Whatever Brian’s Having…

Brian is a massive believer in organically sourced, amazing vegetarian meals. 

I’ll be honest. The idea of going meat-free for four days freaked out my fellow meat lovers and me.

I need not have worried, it turns out the food is extraordinary and here is the thing.

Brian is living proof of how important the environment and the right food is.

You've seen the videos from a couple of years ago.

You just watched the video from a couple of weeks ago. I'll just ask you, is Brian getting younger or older?

The environment at Coco Wasi allows you to focus on yourself. 

Returning to nature for a few days is a key part of the experience. So are those awesome Lava hot pools.

By simplifying the environment and creating a safe space, Brian can do what he does, and you can, perhaps for the first time in decades, focus on yourself. 

Erica and Betta, in the video above, make this exact point.

You are going back to nature, keeping things simple and comfortable. The entire facility is self-sustaining and totally off-grid.

I have to tell you, there is not much in the way of internet and cell signal…

We would not have it any other way.

When was the last time you were able to say, I’m genuinely off-grid; “I’ll call you when I get back.”

Brian is a massive believer in organically sourced, amazing vegetarian meals. 

I’ll be honest.

The idea of going meat-free for four days freaked out my fellow meat lovers and me.

I need not have worried, it turns out the food is extraordinary and here is the thing.

Brian is living proof of how important the environment and the right food is.

You've seen the videos from a couple of years ago.

You just watched the video from a couple of weeks ago. I'll just ask you, is Brian getting younger or older?

The environment at Coco Wasi allows you to focus on yourself. 

Returning to nature for a few days is a key part of the experience. So are those awesome Lava hot pools.

By simplifying the environment and creating a safe space, Brian can do what he does, and you can, perhaps for the first time in decades, focus on yourself. 

Erica and Betta, in the video above, make this exact point.

You are going back to nature, keeping things simple and comfortable.

The entire facility is self-sustaining and totally off-grid.

I have to tell you, there is not much in the way of internet and cell signal…

We would not have it any other way.

When was the last time you were able to say, I’m genuinely off-grid; “I’ll call you when I get back.”

How Does Such Profound Change Happen?

We've talked about the importance of being in the room live and Brian's new process, which was developed specifically for this event. 

We've talked about how important the environment is.

It turns out that the secret was discovered by a Japanese Car Engineer who changed the world of manufacturing. 

Thanks to Brian's unique insight, this new live Spellbreaking process appears, well, like magic.

(It's not magic.)

It's a fancy-sounding technique called the "theory of constraints."

Stay with me; I'll do my best to make it simple.

These next few paragraphs might just change your life and give you a big clue as to why no change has ever really stuck for you.

The One Thing That Changes Ten Things...

Taichi Ohno (a very thoughtful engineer who put enormous emphasis on observation and presence) noticed there was always one place in a car manufacturing line (you can imagine those massive car factories) where it slowed all production down.

Taichi Ohno called it "Mudda" (Japanese for Waste).

He figured out if he observed carefully (He was famous for drawing a circle at a specific point in the factory and would stay there for hours noticing everything).

When he identified the "weak link," he fixed it.

Guess what? Everything got better across the whole factory. Not just at the point of the fix!!

Brian realized that if he could identify your one thing, it would fix a whole bunch of things and make your life infinitely better. 

Thus, a lifetime of self-sabotage and frustration is unlocked in just a few moments.

When you are in front of Brian, you realise you are being SEEN more deeply than perhaps by anyone at any other time in your life.

By being at the event, in person, Brian is noticing everything and is able to work on what we scientifically call around here at Level 5…

"The Thing Behind The Thing"

You have to see this live; a seemingly important issue turns out to be covering something way more critical. 

Brian calls it "Loosening Jars" and “viewing the hologram” from all different angles. 

Then, in a moment, the key constraint is discovered.

The “thing” behind the “thing”.

What appears to be a miracle.

Is not.

It's intense presence and observation.

I dearly wish you to see this for yourself at our upcoming events.

The moment is Magical.

There is usually a lot of good-natured swearing.

And then something happens NO ONE SAW COMING...

The Level 5 Face Lift.

When Brian unlocks that constraint for you.


Look - you are not going to believe what happens next.

I’ll let the picture tell the story.

Here are the photos of attendees from our recent event, one taken before the event and the other at the end of the event.

I won't insult your intelligence by labelling before and after.

These are unedited photos taken on attendee's own phones.


All that past trauma, all the blocked energy, all the stress and anxiety… 

Simply washes away.

You’ve now seen it for yourself.

Those creators became lighter, and brighter, with less stress-lines, eyes glowing.

I have to keep reminding myself this is not an ad for a cosmetics product. 😀

That’s not all; there is another significant advantage to attending live.

There is something else that happens in the live environment of this four-day event that is absolutely crucial.

There is "breathing" and "BREATHING"

If you have been in Brian's world for any amount of time.

You know how important breathing is.

I thought I was pretty good at Level 5 breathing.

Umm, no, I take comfort in the fact that I was not the only one. 


Having Brian adjust my breathing and give me some simple tips, such as "Imagine your thighs are lungs," has made all the difference.

There was something else that was a bit strange, but it turned out to be so welcoming.

The Space Between The Notes

I have been to events where fatigue and lack of sleep are a "feature." Funnily enough, they never seem to create the change you want to see when you go home.

I wonder why….

Miles Davis (who was super crotchety, to be honest) talked about the space between the notes being the most important part of music.

He's right, and Brian knows that after Spellbreaks, you need time to journal and reflect on what you see.

This event is the least physically taxing I have ever been to, which is a good thing considering some of the challenges attendees come to get help with. You saw Betta talk about this in the video.

There is space and time to play.

When was the last time you played with other adults, threw a frisbee or threw a football (Don't worry, Europeans, we also kicked a football as it was intended before the Americans came in and started throwing the thing!)

You will get rest. You will get plenty of sleep.

You'll get time to play, perhaps for the first time in decades.

Most importantly, you'll go home changed, transformed and expanded.

And dear reader, those changes. Will. Stick.

I have been to events where fatigue and lack of sleep are a "feature."

Funnily enough, they never seem to create the change you want to see when you go home.

I wonder why….

Miles Davis (who was super crotchety, to be honest) talked about the space between the notes being the most important part of music.

He's right, and Brian knows that after Spellbreaks, you need time to journal and reflect on what you see.

This event is the least physically taxing I have ever been to, which is a good thing considering some of the challenges attendees come to get help with.

You saw Betta talk about this in the video.

There is space and time to play.

When was the last time you played with other adults, threw a frisbee or threw a football (Don't worry, Europeans, we also kicked a football as it was intended before the Americans came in and started throwing the thing!)

You will get rest. You will get plenty of sleep.

You'll get time to play, perhaps for the first time in decades.

Most importantly, you'll go home changed, transformed and expanded.

And dear reader, those changes. Will. Stick.

The Community, The Support, The Friendships.

Have you read about the stats of making friends after 30, not great…

This event is intense, not in the “let's force everyone to get no sleep and have them hike for six hours.”  - You know who I’m talking about.

It’s intense because change happens, often in a matter of minutes.

You don’t have a choice in the matter.

Once you step into the ring (actually a really cool pyramid, necessary? No. Cool as heck. Absolutely) with Brian. 

It’s game over for your trauma, your limiting beliefs, your pain, your grief. The frustrations with yourself. The debilitating anger you hold for those people who violated you mentally and physically.

You can fight it. Honestly, Brian enjoys and will tell you, this is not somewhere you come to repeat mantras and express belief in the Guru’s ideas.

Come with an open mind and see for yourself.

Experience live Spellbreaking and see for yourself…

Brian knows with absolute certainty. The only outcome is the dissolving of your trauma and reclaiming the power that may have been stolen from you at your earliest moments.

This process is a triumph of simplicity and elegance combined with compassion. You need to be in the room to see it, believe it, and feel it.

What is even more extraordinary is that while Brian is working with one of your fellow creators (what Brian calls everyone at the event), you will feel him working with you.

Brian does this on Zoom. 

When you are in the room, it hits different. 

The most common phrase after a Spellbreak at Coco Wasi is...

“Thank you, that was for me too.”

Have you read about the stats of making friends after 30, not great…

This event is intense, not in the “let's force everyone to get no sleep and have them hike for six hours.”  - You know who I’m talking about.

It’s intense because change happens, often in a matter of minutes.

You don’t have a choice in the matter.

Once you step into the ring (actually a really cool pyramid, necessary?

No. Cool as heck. Absolutely) with Brian. 

It’s game over for your trauma, your limiting beliefs, your pain, your grief. The frustrations with yourself.

The debilitating anger you hold for those people who violated you mentally and physically.

You can fight it. Honestly, Brian enjoys and will tell you, this is not somewhere you come to repeat mantras and express belief in the Guru’s ideas.

Come with an open mind and see for yourself.

Experience live Spellbreaking and see for yourself…

Brian knows with absolute certainty.

The only outcome is the dissolving of your trauma and reclaiming the power that may have been stolen from you at your earliest moments.

This process is a triumph of simplicity and elegance combined with compassion.

You need to be in the room to see it, believe it, and feel it.

What is even more extraordinary is that while Brian is working with one of your fellow creators (what Brian calls everyone at the event), you will feel him working with you.

Brian does this on Zoom. 

When you are in the room, it hits different. 

The most common phrase after a Spellbreak at Coco Wasi is...

“Thank you, that was for me too.”

It’s Not Your Fault

Look, most of the people who write books and run events and retreats (why do they call them retreats? At Level 5, we are interested in Advancing) mean well.

It just doesn’t work for you.

It’s OK.

It’s not your fault.

You have had an experience that, up until now, you have not had the strategies to be present and in control.

You have not had the tools Level 5 provides to deal with what has been happening for you.

We look at things differently at this event.

Brian cares deeply about you. You will feel seen in a way I’m not even sure I can describe.

In fact, Francis, who came to Coco Wasi, tells it beautifully.

Look, most of the people who write books and run events and retreats (why do they call them retreats?

At Level 5, we are interested in Advancing) mean well.

It just doesn’t work for you.

It’s OK.

It’s not your fault.

You have had an experience that, up until now, you have not had the strategies to be present and in control.

You have not had the tools Level 5 provides to deal with what has been happening for you.

We look at things differently at this event.

Brian cares deeply about you. You will feel seen in a way I’m not even sure I can describe.

In fact, Francis, who came to Coco Wasi, tells it beautifully.

When we experience trauma in childhood, the evidence of it appears in our present as invisible threads that lead all the way back to the roots.

Our emotions, signal their presence and Brian sees them and is able to tug on them, to untangle them and lead us back to the root of our discomfort by sifting the truth from the stories we tell ourselves.

He has the ability to hear what is being said and identify whether it is truth or story.

He then questions our interpretation of the experience the memories represent in a way that allows us to take the power we gave away back.

He sows doubt in the mind as to whether the memory is exactly as remembered and asks if there is a possible alternative explanation of the experience and our interpretation of it.

He uses yes/no questions and other questions to help free the mind from its interpretation and helps it to reframe the experience.

Throughout the process, he also guides us to experience the emotions while remaining present through the breath.

Ensuring that our breath remains bigger, deeper, and wider than the emotion we are experiencing.

This experience of emotions allows us to acknowledge that part of us is still experiencing that trauma and integrate that energy back into our hearts, thereby detaching the emotion from the memory of the experience.

Where there is resistance to releasing or reframing the trauma/experience, he talks to that part of the mind /inner child and guides us to do the same until the inner child feels heard, acknowledged, and safe enough not to feel the need to continue to protect us from perceived threats.

Once the emotion is experienced and acknowledged, it no longer triggers our subconscious to avoid moving towards what we prefer and desire, in order for it to feel safe.

Once we feel safe, Brian invites us to invite those memories and emotions back into the present into infinite possibility, so they can be used to focus on more of that which we desire and prefer to experience in our lives.

Throughout the process, he uses humour to disarm and put people at ease.

He also says "What's up bitches", "shit", and "fuck" a lot. 😂 Namaste.

There Is A Catch

There is one thing you need to be aware of.

Once you walk through the gate at Coco Wasi (It’s an actual gate to keep the cute wild piggies from eating the glorious lava soil-grown organic food).

Yes, once you step through the gates, it is now…

100% your responsibility. Marilyn says it well in the video.

Let me reveal what I mean by this by describing who this event is NOT for.

These Four Life-Changing Days are not for you If...

This extraordinary event and new live Spellbreaking process has a 100% success rate.

The change you are seeking at this event is 100% your responsibility. You MUST want to change.

Brian cares about you, and he will tell you straight up when you lie. He gets results. He will be blunt. (as Francis explained above)

He swears, not at you, with you (there is a big difference).

If you have a belief system that is not serving you. Prepare for it to be dismantled.

Coco Wasi is Vegetarian. However, Brian is there Spellbreaking and slaughtering sacred cows at a breathtaking rate.

You would not describe Brian as particularly "woke" or “politically correct”. The only “philosophy” he believes in is the overwhelming force multiplier that is this new live Spellbreaking method.

The creators attending the event are a broad group of people from around the world.

If you bring your judgments and prejudices into the four days, prepare to have them challenged (well, upended, actually).

Brian has one job, which is his mission. You walk out of the four days changed, transformed, and expanded in the best possible way.

It’s the least physically challenging event I’ve ever been to. Brian does believe floor sitting is great for you and, even more importantly, for your breathing.

If you need to lie down, sit in a chair, or get some fresh air.

Not a problem.

Just breathe, be present and have an open mind.

This extraordinary event and new live Spellbreaking process has a 100% success rate.

The change you are seeking at this event is 100% your responsibility.

You MUST want to change.

Brian cares about you, and he will tell you straight up when you lie.

He gets results. He will be blunt. (as Francis explained above)

He swears, not at you, with you (there is a big difference).

If you have a belief system that is not serving you. Prepare for it to be dismantled.

Coco Wasi is Vegetarian. However, Brian is there Spellbreaking and slaughtering sacred cows at a breathtaking rate.

You would not describe Brian as particularly "woke" or “politically correct”.

The only “philosophy” he believes in is the overwhelming force multiplier that is this new live Spellbreaking method.

The creators attending the event are a broad group of people from around the world.

If you bring your judgments and prejudices into the four days, prepare to have them challenged (well, upended, actually).

Brian has one job, which is his mission. You walk out of the four days changed, transformed, and expanded in the best possible way.

It’s the least physically challenging event I’ve ever been to.

Brian does believe floor sitting is great for you and, even more importantly, for your breathing.

If you need to lie down, sit in a chair, or get some fresh air.

Not a problem.

Just breathe, be present and have an open mind.

Everyone Has To Agree With Brian…


Not even close. Brian is not a Guru, a Shaman, a Teacher, or even the Messiah.

He is, however, a very naughty boy (shout out to Monty Python fans).

He likes to point out he is a reminder.

He encourages us to question everything, believe nothing, be present, and not answer what you think the group wants to hear.

Saying what you perceive allows him to help you.

Question everything.

Brian will.

Remember, his mission is you leave Coco Wasi free of the baggage you came in with and change that lasts.

It's that simple.

Make the decision right now to come to Coco Wasi.

The investment is nothing compared to the costs you are paying right now.

What's the price you are paying for not changing?

How much have you spent on Therapists, Coaches, Medication and health care? To treat symptoms that never seem to get better...

Why would they? They treat the "thing", not the thing behind the thing.

How many courses have you bought? Events attended for no lasting change.

Why would they? They treat the "thing", not the thing behind the thing.

How many diets and meal plans?
How many vacations have left you more drained than before you left?
How often have you returned to work needing another break just to recover from your "relaxing" getaway?
Why would they? They treat the "thing", not the thing behind the thing.

How much have you spent on recreational drugs, alcohol, food, meaningless sex, pornography? Just to take your mind off the "thing".

Which is only temporary because why would they?

They treat the "thing", not the...

You get the idea.

What about jobs you couldn't take, businesses you couldn't start because of crippling anxiety?

What is the opportunity cost of these symptoms, conditions, and "disorders"?

Until now, you’ve just had to get by...

Just cope. Play small…

You’ve paid tens (hundreds!) of thousands of dollars, in reality, thousands of dollars every month while you just get by...

It's always the others that get "lucky".

This time will be different (don’t take my word for it, hear from our attendees below).

What if this works?

What opportunities could you create? What change could you bring about to shape your world and experience the way you desire it to be?

No more Procrastination? What could you do? What projects could you bring to fruition?

Imagine spending your days not dwelling on the past, the “negative”. What could you do with all that reclaimed energy?

Conversations and interactions with everyone you meet are full of joy.

You’ll feel safe.

What’s that worth to you?

Make the decision to join us on the “Big Island” of Hawaii.

Your investment to join us for four and a half days at Coco Wasi, starts with an initial payment of $2,222.

Your life will change for good.

Don't take my word for it.

Normally, we would present you with a bunch of testimonials filmed at the event. (We do have some of those below so you can see how people just like you can tell you what happened at the event.)

How much have you spent on Therapists, Coaches, Medication and health care?

To treat symptoms that never seem to get better...

Why would they? They treat the "thing", not the thing behind the thing.

How many courses have you bought? Events attended for no lasting change.

Why would they? They treat the "thing", not the thing behind the thing.

How many diets and meal plans?

How many vacations have left you more drained than before you left?

How often have you returned to work needing another break just to recover from your "relaxing" getaway?

Why would they? They treat the "thing", not the thing behind the thing.

How much have you spent on recreational drugs, alcohol, food, meaningless sex, pornography?

Just to take your mind off the "thing".

Which is only temporary because why would they?

They treat the "thing", not the...

You get the idea.

What about jobs you couldn't take, businesses you couldn't start because of crippling anxiety?

What is the opportunity cost of these symptoms, conditions, and "disorders"?

Until now, you’ve just had to get by...

Just cope. Play small…

You’ve paid tens (hundreds!) of thousands of dollars, in reality, thousands of dollars every month while you just get by...

It's always the others that get "lucky".

This time will be different (don’t take my word for it, hear from our attendees below).

What if this works?

What opportunities could you create?

What change could you bring about to shape your world and experience the way you desire it to be?

No more Procrastination? What could you do? What projects could you bring to fruition?

Imagine spending your days not dwelling on the past, the “negative”. What could you do with all that reclaimed energy?

Conversations and interactions with everyone you meet are full of joy.

You’ll feel safe.

What’s that worth to you?

Make the decision to join us on the “Big Island” of Hawaii.

Your investment to join us for four and a half days at Coco Wasi, starts with an initial payment of $2,222.

Your life will change for good.

Don't take my word for it.

Normally, we would present you with a bunch of testimonials filmed at the event.

(We do have some of those below so you can see how people just like you can tell you what happened at the event.)

Let's do something unheard of in the "Self-Help" world...

We asked the attendees from the first Coco Wasi event to tell us A FEW WEEKS AFTER the event how they were doing.

These are their own words filmed on Whats App (when you come to the event you join a Whats App group that is not shut down after the event, the first three groups are going strong, but I digress).

No one does this, so we did. We want you to reserve your place for one of the next Coco Wasi events with a deposit of $2,388 (or a significant discount if you pay in full).

Here is what our attendees had to say.

We asked the attendees from the first Coco Wasi event to tell us A FEW WEEKS AFTER the event how they were doing.

These are their own words filmed on Whats App (when you come to the event you join a Whats App group that is not shut down after the event, the first three groups are going strong, but I digress).

No one does this, so we did.

We want you to reserve your place for one of the next Coco Wasi events with a deposit of $2,222 (or a significant discount if you pay in full).

Here is what our attendees had to say.

- Sarah Baron

- Tanya Gilligan

- Adriaan Hart

- Ed Dale

It's time to change your life - a special offer.

The moment you book your ticket, you’ll receive instant access to Brian's brand-new program, The Spark.

We will also give you a guest pass to see Brian working with our Lighthouse Project creators

You’re getting access to these resources from the moment you get your ticket - till the day the event starts.

So, the sooner you get your ticket, the more live sessions you’ll attend… and the more time you’ll have to complete the “The Spark” and learn who to Self-Spellbreak

This means you can get your first breakthroughs even before the event starts. And when you’re here, you’ll be 100% ready to elevate your entire life.

So, are you ready to make it happen?

The moment you book your ticket, you’ll receive instant access to Brian's brand-new program, The Spark.

We will also give you a guest pass to see Brian working with our Lighthouse Project creators

You’re getting access to these resources from the moment you get your ticket - till the day the event starts.

So, the sooner you get your ticket, the more live sessions you’ll attend… and the more time you’ll have to complete the “The Spark” and learn who to Self-Spellbreak

This means you can get your first breakthroughs even before the event starts.

And when you’re here, you’ll be 100% ready to elevate your entire life.

So, are you ready to make it happen?

Book Your Ticket NOW To Save 26% (JUST 25 Spots Available!)

**IMPORTANT: Due to space limitations, each event, "Your New Beginning", is limited to 25 tickets only!

We expect the tickets to sell out fast with the early bird offer..

The tickets for our three events earlier this year sold out in a couple of weeks.

Brians's top clients pay $55,555 to work with him for 4 days in Hawaii - and 100% are thrilled with the outcomes they get.

Right now, you can have a similar opportunity to spend four days in Hawaii and get the same top-level help with a brand new Live Spellbreaking process that his top clients happily paid for.

The regular ticket for "Your New Beginning Intensive" costs $8,888…

But today, you can get an Early Bird 2 Ticket for $6,555 or pay $2555 in three installments—and save 26% off the regular price.

That’s $2,333 you can save today.

To secure your place, you can start today with a first installment and pay two further monthly installments of $2,555.

**IMPORTANT:** The Early Bird 3 Special ends on August 31.

If you come to this event, Your life will change.

What has it cost you not to be able to change up until now? Tens of thousands of dollars a year? How many bad relationships, terrible symptoms, and feelings of lack do you have?

You deserve more, and you will finally make the changes you need to step into a world of joy and expanded possibilities.

There will be enough time and space for anyone to share their "problems", get a Spellbreak (even multiple ones) and go home a new person!

And the changes will stick.

This means this event is the most affordable way to work with Brian right now.

In fact, for the price of one 1-on-1 session with Brian, you can spend four days with us all in this heavenly place.

It’ll be a true adventure - something you’ll remember for the rest of your life…

It’ll be the missing piece of the transformation puzzle that will give you the nudge you need to reach new heights in your life.

We have two events scheduled. September 24-29 and November 19-24.

Click the button below right now to book your seat and experience the most amazing 4.5 days of your life:

**IMPORTANT: Due to space limitations, each event, "Your New Beginning", is limited to 25 tickets only!

We expect the tickets to sell out fast with the early bird offer..

The tickets for our three events earlier this year sold out in a couple of weeks.

Brians's top clients pay $55,555 to work with him for 4 days in Hawaii - and 100% are thrilled with the outcomes they get.

Right now, you can have a similar opportunity to spend four days in Hawaii and get the same top-level help with a brand new Live Spellbreaking process that his top clients happily paid for.

The regular ticket for "Your New Beginning Intensive" costs $8,888…

But today, you can get an Early Bird Ticket for $5,555 or pay $2222 in three instalments—and save 37% off the regular price.

That’s $3,333 you can save today.

To secure your place, you can start today with a first instalment and pay two further monthly instalments of $2,222.

**IMPORTANT:** The Early Bird Special ends on July 31st.

If you come to this event, Your life will change.

What has it cost you not to be able to change up until now? Tens of thousands of dollars a year?

How many bad relationships, terrible symptoms, and feelings of lack do you have?

You deserve more, and you will finally make the changes you need to step into a world of joy and expanded possibilities.

There will be enough time and space for anyone to share their "problems", get a Spellbreak (even multiple ones) and go home a new person!

And the changes will stick.

This means this event is the most affordable way to work with Brian right now.

In fact, for the price of one 1-on-1 session with Brian, you can spend four days with us all in this heavenly place.

It’ll be a true adventure - something you’ll remember for the rest of your life…

It’ll be the missing piece of the transformation puzzle that will give you the nudge you need to reach new heights in your life.

We have two events scheduled. September 24-29 and November 19-24.

Click the button below right now to book your seat and experience the most amazing 4.5 days of your life:

**Here’s What Breakthroughs The Participants of Our Events Have Experienced**

Our first event in January was a massive success. People came from Europe, Australia, and the US and had their deepest issues solved within four days.

Have a look at what they say:

"It's really transformational". 

- Betta Maggio, Italy

- Erica Hooft, Netherlands

"Brian cuts right through your bullsh*t. I've been waiting my whole life for someone to cut through the bullsh*it because I knew I was full of it 😂". 

- Danielle Ayoub, Germany

"This sh*t works! I've seen my life change to the more preferred in so many directions. Money, health, relationships". 

- Sarah Baron, Australia

"I came here to solve a very complex childhood trauma... and now I feel more bright and comfortable, and have more confidence."

- Deva de Bruijn, Netherlands

"Wealth, relationships, health... everything starts to get better."

- Marco Gentile, Italy

"My whole life, I lived with the fear that something bad would happen to me. Now I'm done with this!"

- Walter Peters, USA

"I was afraid to speak my truth. Now I unlocked a new level of freedom and self-expression."

- Josephine Michael, USA

"Fantastic experience! Everyone is amazing! I feel much more confident, relaxed and happy."

- Tanya Gilligan, UK

"I didn't feel safe desiring things I wanted - and I'm free from that now. This is one of the best financial investments I ever made!"
- Gladius Sovereign, USA

"Brian is truly present and listens to you.

You really feel that you're important to him."
- Otmar Braunecker, Austria

"If you want to make changes in your life,

Brian can help you achieve that."

- Francis Farrell, UK

Hey, you are like me; you read and watch everything.

I had no idea what to expect when I attended this event in January.

I know you hear life-changing this and life-changing that.
Watch those videos, particularly this one.

Can all of these people be wrong?

I'm returning in September and November and would love to see you there.

It's time for you to be safe and be all you were meant to be.

See you at Coco Wasi.