For the first time ever, Brian’s hosting a 4-day LIVE event in Hawaii and you’re invited to join him in this transformative experience…

Your New Beginning LIVE Event

Join us on January 17 - 20 in Hawaii, for a 4-day life-changing experience with Brian, where he’ll help you break the Spells that hold you back from getting what you want… And create a brand new amazing life of love, prosperity and joy!

Watch the video below for all the details:

The Intention Behind This Event

The intention behind the "Your New Beginning" event is for you to take a break from your “normal life”...

Become unplugged from your daily routine… 

Stay away from distractions… 

Away from worries… 

Away from frustrations, noise, and chaos…

And kick-start an important process in your brain that I call “the adjustment process.”

You see, when you’re in a new place, surrounded by new people, doing new things… your mind becomes more focused and open to learning new things.


Because it wants you to adapt to your new reality faster.

I’ve been using this critical process for 12 years with my high-level clients who come to me to Hawaii.

And this single process is one of the reasons why I have a 100% success rate with these people.

Which means 100% are thrilled with the outcomes they received.

And now, it is your turn to achieve the same in just 4 days - in a whole new format… And for a fraction of what my top-tier offering costs.

It’s your turn to come to the “Your New Beginning” event and use this process along with my support and the energy of all the participants to finally start living the ultimate version of your life!

The Sanctuary

The place we’ll host the Retreat is an old Sanctuary located on The Big Island of Hawaii.

When you walk through the gate, you feel like you’re in a prestigious resort in Florida, with a beautifully trimmed lawn and majestic coconut and mango trees greeting you… However, as you walk around this wonderful place, you realize one thing:

It’s one of the very last places on the planet that offers you comfortable accommodation and all the modern amenities we’re used to…

While placed in the middle of nature, far away from all the modern world’s craziness, toxins, and noise that bombard us 24/7.

This is critical because these days, it’s harder and harder for most of us to live close to nature… and to experience its healing, soothing, and relaxing magic.

Just let me ask you this:

The place we’ll host the Retreat is an old Sanctuary located on The Big Island of Hawaii.

When you walk through the gate, you feel like you’re in a prestigious resort in Florida, with a beautifully trimmed lawn and majestic coconut and mango trees greeting you…

However, as you walk around this wonderful place, you realize one thing:

It’s one of the very last places on the planet that offers you comfortable accommodation and all the modern amenities we’re used to…

While placed in the middle of nature, far away from all the modern world’s craziness, toxins, and noise that bombard us 24/7.

This is critical because these days, it’s harder and harder for most of us to live close to nature… and to experience its healing, soothing, and relaxing magic.

Just let me ask you this:

  • How often can you walk barefoot the entire day and bathe in the Sun, away from the EMF radiation, radio tower frequencies and electronic smog?
  • How often can you eat 100% clean fruits and veggies with no pesticides, no heavy metals, and no artificial fertilizers?...
  • And how often can you drink pure volcanic water and breathe some of the cleanest air on the planet?

I guess not very often, right?

But, let’s take it even further than that.

How often can you do it with like-minded people and me, working together to launch you into a brand new life you always wanted?

See, this is what makes this retreat so special.

It’s a new place, new routine, and new people - which opens up
your mind to new possibilities.

It’s a place in the heart of nature that soothes, heals, and grounds you.

It’s a place of pristine food that nourishes your body, mind, and soul…

And it’s a place of liberation where you tap into the power of collective energy… and leverage my guidance to radically shift your life…

So you can go from spinning your wheels in frustration, to creating what you want in pure joy, awe, and happiness.

Plus, it’s a place for you to meet like-minded, like-hearted folks.

Folks who believe in the same ideas that you do.

Folks with whom you can launch into hours of conversations about things and topics you may not be able to discuss with the people you know.

Meet Like-Minded People

We’re carefully selecting the participants of the retreat. That’s why only people who align with our values can come and spend this amazing time with us.

This guarantees you’ll feel amazing and that everyone will support, elevate and cheer each other up and on.

This also means that finally, you’ll be able to have these passionate, long conversations about topics so important to you. Topics you can't discuss with people close to you.

So if you want to connect, grow and share amazing moments with a group of like-minded people, the "Your New Beginning" event is for you.

We’re carefully selecting the participants of the retreat.

That’s why only people who align with our values can come and spend this amazing time with us.

This guarantees you’ll feel amazing and that everyone will support, elevate and cheer each other up and on.

This also means that finally, you’ll be able to have these passionate, long conversations about topics so important to you.

Topics you can't discuss with people close to you.

So if you want to connect, grow and share amazing moments with a group of like-minded people, the "Your New Beginning" event is for you.

Food And Accommodation


The Sanctuary offers multiple cabins for 2 and 3 people, and we’ve carefully checked this place to make sure it’s clean, cozy and comfortable.

So if you’re coming together with a partner or a friend, you’ll receive a cabin for 2 people. And if you’re coming on your own, we will assign you a relevant cabin, by matching you with other participants with the same preferences.

Plus - if you want extra privacy, you can get a glamping-style tent, with a regular-size bed.

Obviously, women and men will get their own, separate cabins. And besides, you’ll use your cabin only to get some sleep. That’s because the Sanctuary is so awesome and vast, you’ll want to walk around and explore between our sessions, conversations, and meals.

The Sanctuary offers multiple cabins for 2 and 3 people, and we’ve carefully checked this place to make sure it’s clean, cozy and comfortable.

So if you’re coming together with a partner or a friend, you’ll receive a cabin for 2 people.

And if you’re coming on your own, we will assign you a relevant cabin, by matching you with other participants with the same preferences.

Plus - if you want extra privacy, you can get a glamping-style tent, with a regular-size bed.

Obviously, women and men will get their own, separate cabins. And besides, you’ll use your cabin only to get some sleep.

That’s because the Sanctuary is so awesome and vast, you’ll want to walk around and explore between our sessions, conversations, and meals.

Your New Beginning Retreat

Showers and toilets

The Sanctuary has multiple common showers and toilets right by the cabins. Given that the temperature during the day oscillates around 85 degrees Fahrenheit (that’s 29 Celsius) you’ll absolutely love taking showers in the fresh air - with full privacy or a regular shower.

The Sanctuary has multiple common showers and toilets right by the cabins.

Given that the temperature during the day oscillates around 85 degrees Fahrenheit (that’s 29 Celsius) you’ll absolutely love taking showers in the fresh air - with full privacy or a regular shower.


Breakfast, lunch and a light dinner are included for the whole 4 days. It’s 100% organic. 100% home made. Vegan menu is available as well.

Plus, the place grows amazing tropical fruits and vegetables - you’ve never tasted anything like it before!

(Let me tell ya: Until you have pulled a Hawaiian banana off the tree, you haven’t really tasted a banana!)

Electricity & Internet

Our incredible sanctuary has solar panel electricity - so you’ll easily charge all the devices you need. And you’ll be able to use a hair dryer, a kettle, a washing machine and anything else. Plus, if you need it, there’s an option to use the Internet, too.

Our incredible sanctuary has solar panel electricity - so you’ll easily charge all the devices you need.

And you’ll be able to use a hair dryer, a kettle, a washing machine and anything else.

Plus, if you need it, there’s an option to use the Internet, too.

Airport and Transfer

The nearest airport is Hilo (ITO) - and we provide free transfers to and from it. Sometimes you can book a direct flight to Hilo but more often, you’ll need to fly to Honolulu and transfer for a flight to Hilo.

The next closest airport is Kona (KOA). It offers way more direct flights - although it’s further away from the Sanctuary - about an hour and a half drive. The easiest way to arrive from this airport is to book an uber or a taxi.

The nearest airport is Hilo (ITO) - and we provide free transfers to and from it.

Sometimes you can book a direct flight to Hilo but more often, you’ll need to fly to Honolulu and transfer for a flight to Hilo.

The next closest airport is Kona (KOA). It offers way more direct flights - although it’s further away from the Sanctuary - about an hour and a half drive.

The easiest way to arrive from this airport is to book an uber or a taxi.

The Nearby Airbnbs

Just next to our Sanctuary, there’s a bunch of Airbnb places you can rent - if that’s what you want. Just type in “Papaya Farms Road Pahoa” in the Airbnb search and you’ll find available rentals.

Important: these are not included in your ticket. Your ticket includes accommodation in the Sanctuary.

Just next to our Sanctuary, there’s a bunch of Airbnb places you can rent - if that’s what you want.

Just type in “Papaya Farms Road Pahoa” in the Airbnb search and you’ll find available rentals.

Important: these are not included in your ticket. Your ticket includes accommodation in the Sanctuary.

Two Amazing Excursions (Included)

Your ticket includes two incredible excursions - all included. During these excursions, you’ll see breathtaking parts of Hawaii - and we will host our sessions there, too.

In the first excursion, we’ll visit an active volcano. There, among vast calderas, literal fields of lava and ever-present steam, we will break your Spells and set you free.

So you can already imagine the magical vibe, energy and power this place will have… And how it will impact you during our session.

Your ticket includes two incredible excursions - all included.

During these excursions, you’ll see breathtaking parts of Hawaii - and we will host our sessions there, too.

In the first excursion, we’ll visit an active volcano.

There, among vast calderas, literal fields of lava and ever-present steam, we will break your Spells and set you free.

So you can already imagine the magical vibe, energy and power this place will have…

And how it will impact you during our session.

incredible excursions

The second excursion… well, it’s a surprise - and we mean it. Earlier this year, we took some of our team members there - and they couldn’t stop raving about it.

And you will, too - plus, again, we will host our session in that amazing place. And this is how you’ll create lifetime memories - and a lasting change in your life! 

The second excursion… well, it’s a surprise - and we mean it.

Earlier this year, we took some of our team members there - and they couldn’t stop raving about it.

And you will, too - plus, again, we will host our session in that amazing place.

And this is how you’ll create lifetime memories - and a lasting change in your life! 

The Agenda

Here’s the general agenda of the Retreat:

  • Before the Retreat: go through “Level 1: Permanently Shift Your Identity” course to set yourself to receive the best possible outcomes at the Retreat.
    Also, join as many Inner Circle live sessions as you want to interact with Brian - and have your first breakthroughs even before the Retreat begins.
  • Tuesday, January 16 - Arrival day. 
    This day is all about you arriving to the Sanctuary and getting comfortable before the event
    - Optional: Welcome Evening Meditation
  • Wednesday, January 17 - The First Day
    • Welcome and “Get to Know Each Other”
    • Share intentions and set group intention
    • Discuss the plan for the event
    • Introduce ALL Event Topics
    • “Experience” Process
    • Open Spellbreaking
    • Integration Break
    • Deep Teaching and Final Spellbreak Sessions
  • Thursday, January 18 - The Second Day
    • Deeper Dive Into Event Topics/Themes
    • Morning Q and A and Wins
    • Open Spellbreaking
    • Volcano Excursion
    • Integration Break
    • Sound Healing for ALL Participants
    • Open Spellbreaking
    • Gong Bath
  • Friday, January 19 - The Third Day
    • Gong Bath
    • Morning Q and A
    • Deep Sound Healing
    • Teaching: “How To Feel, and Know You Are, Safe”
    • Open Spellbreaking
    • Integration Break
    • Secret Evening Excursion
    • Gong Bath
  • Saturday, January 20 - The Final Day
    • Gong Bath
    • Morning Q and A
    • Teaching/Channeling: “Who Am I?”
    • Open Spellbreaking
    • Integration Break
    • Open Spellbreaking
    • Evening Closing Ceremony with Gong Bath and Infinite Sound Healing
  • Sunday, January 21 - Departure day
    The event is officially over and you can comfortably go back home or stay on the island and enjoy its beauty.

Your Special Gifts

The moment you book your ticket, you’ll get instant access to my flagship course, Level 1: Permanently Shift Your identity - for free.

The second thing you get, also for free, is access to my live mentoring program, Inner Circle…

Where every week you jump on a live session with other participants and me, and you can ask me questions…

Request feedback…

And even work with me to solve any problem you’re dealing with.

You’re getting access to both these resources from the moment you get your ticket - till the day the retreat starts.

So the sooner you get your ticket - the more live sessions you’ll attend… and the more time you’ll have to go through the “Level 1” course.

Which means you can get your first breakthroughs even before the Retreat starts. And when you’re here, you’ll be 100% ready to elevate your entire life.

So, are you ready to make it happen?

Book Your Ticket NOW To Save 37% (JUST 20 Spots Available!)

IMPORTANT: Due to space limitations, the retreat is limited to 20 tickets only!

We’re expecting the tickets to sell out fast - especially due the Early Bird phase.

Once you know you want to participate, secure your ticket right away - or else they might be all gone.

So what’s the price of the ticket?

See, my top clients pay $36,000 to work with me for 4 days in Hawaii - and 100% of them are thrilled with the outcomes they get.

Right now, you get a similar opportunity to spend 4 days in Hawaii and get the same top-level help that my top clients paid big bucks for.

But you don’t need to invest anywhere near $36,000.

The regular ticket for this retreat costs $8,888…

But today, you can get an Early Bird Ticket for $5,555 - and save 37% OFF the regular price.

That’s $3,333 you can save today.

Or you can use a convenient payment plan and pay in three monthly installments of $2,222.

IMPORTANT: The Early Bird Special ENDS on November 27 - or when the 20 spots are sold out.

So don’t wait because by the time you visit this page again, all the spots might be taken!

Now, $36,000 for 4 days - that’s $9,000 per day…

In this retreat, though, the price per day of working with me will be just $1,388/day…

Which is 38% less than booking a single 1on1 session with me over Zoom…

Which means that this retreat currently is the most affordable way to work with me.

In fact, for a little more than the price of two 1on1 sessions with me, you get to spend 4 days with all of us in this heavenly place.

And you get to experience one of the most sought-after holiday destinations on the planet.

It’ll be a true adventure - something you’ll remember for the rest of your life…

It’ll be the missing piece of the transformation puzzle that will give you the nudge you need to reach new heights in your life. 

So click the button below right now to book your seat and experience the most amazing 4 days of your life: