Over 200,000+ Happy Customers
For anyone struggling with making, keeping and being relaxed about money…
The Easiest Way To Transform Your Financial Reality FAST
…So You Can Instantly Drop Your Problems For Good, Eliminate “Mental Blocks” That Hold You Back, And Finally Create The Life You Want…
Money Freedom Process 3.0 (Audio process)

Money Freedom Process 3.0
This audio process can help you:
Price: $99
Product Facts
Money Freedom Process 3.0
An audio file to listen to on your headphones, similar to a guided meditation yet way more advanced. It combines multiple sound and verbal techniques that reach deep into your subconscious to automatically shift your beliefs about money, deservingness and self-worth.
No complicated routines. Just listen to the process
Money Freedom Process 3.0 is your one-stop-shop for shifting your financial reality. It contains advanced techniques that work on multiple levels of your mind to change your deepest beliefs about money. That’s why you can simply listen to it regularly and it’s enough for you to experience a fast and radical change of your financial life.
Money Freedom Process 3.0 is your one-stop-shop for shifting your financial reality.
It contains advanced techniques that work on multiple levels of your mind to change your deepest beliefs about money.
That’s why you can simply listen to it regularly and it’s enough for you to experience a fast and radical change of your financial life.
Get your desired result even if you’re busy
You can listen to the Money Freedom Process 3.0 in the morning… before sleep… or when you’re walking. And in every one of these settings, it will do its magic. It will reach deep into your subconscious mind to clear the harmful beliefs about money… And replace them with beliefs of abundance, deservingness and happiness.
You can listen to the Money Freedom Process 3.0 in the morning… before sleep… or when you’re walking.
And in every one of these settings, it will do its magic. It will reach deep into your subconscious mind to clear the harmful beliefs about money…
And replace them with beliefs of abundance, deservingness and happiness.
Eliminates all sorts of money problems
Money Freedom Process 3.0 is a universal tool that helps you eliminate all sorts of money issues. No matter if you’re struggling to make ends meet… constantly make and lose money… have money but are afraid one day you may lose it… want to find a dream job or a new business opportunity… This process can help you achieve it all - and more.
Money Freedom Process 3.0 is a universal tool that helps you eliminate all sorts of money issues.
No matter if you’re struggling to make ends meet… constantly make and lose money… have money but are afraid one day you may lose it… want to find a dream job or a new business opportunity…
This process can help you achieve it all - and more.
Thousands Of People Are Now Living Brand New Lives, Free From Traumas, Problems, And Beliefs That Were Holding Them Back
I made $3,330… And finally found my first clients
Right after Brian walked me through his discovery, I have made $3,330 . . . just like that. Then, I got 3 new and enthusiastic people that wanted to do business with me! Before this, I had been totally stuck for months.

Justin Lachance
I was blown away by Brian’s book
“After 30+ years in self-development and following a spiritual path, I was introduced to Brian's work. When I read his book for the first time (I've done 4 readings already), I was blown away. His work is the best that I've experienced.”

Dr. Sirena Pellarolo
No words to express my gratitude to Brian
“For over 40 years I've been into personal development work, getting out some insights or tools, but never revolutionizing my mindset . . . until when I met Brian. Thanks to the hints and insights that come with the Level 5 course, I get more and more connected with the Source. Day by day, I'm becoming more of who I Am. No words to express my gratitude to Brian.”

Viviane Eeraerts
I’ve learned more from Brian in a few days than in 30 years of studying self-help
“After 30 years of studying and applying self-help techniques, I can honestly tell you that most self-help guru's leave stuff out of their teachings (either on purpose or because they really just learned a flawed system themselves) but not Brian. I have learned more from him in a few days than I learned from all those other people combined.”

Doug Abney
Brian leaves no stone unturned
“After over 30 years of being on the endless roller coaster of self-improvement tapes, books, courses, and continually getting to the "almost" . . . I found Brian and I am so happy I did. Brian leaves no stone unturned, and I have had quite a few breakthroughs from listening to his work.”

Obie Warren
$6,000 in the bank - how cool is that?
The day after, I received an unexpected check for over $3,000. Two days after that, I closed a $30,000 sale, which meant another $3,000 in the bank!

Shira Addato
The most amazing thing that ever happened to me
“I first was exposed to Brian D Ridgway’s book, which connected with me. His work was the most amazing thing that ever happened to me in 30 years of self-help journey.”

Larry Moseley
After 40 years in personal development, I thought I knew it all . . .
“After investing over $500K in personal development for over 40 years, I thought I knew it all. Within just a few minutes, Brian helped me re-think everything I do. Amazing!”

Mike Sypsomos
Brian’s work may be the only one that’s really worth it
“I have been in the personal development arena for 30 years. It has been a painful and frustrating journey that cost me easily over $100,000. If you would do anything to attain your freedom, do yourself a favor and make an exception for Brian’s work, because it may be the only one that's really worth it.”

Jill Hendrickson
Brian’s the real deal!
“After well over 30 years of self-help books, I stumbled upon Brian and had the most amazing experience and felt so many things. If you’re wondering, “Is this for real?” . . . This is the real deal! Just open your mind.”

Misha Ichikawa
What Is What Is Money Freedom Process 3.0?
It’s a guided audio file to listen to on your headphones. You can do it when lying down, sitting or walking.
And when you do, the Money Freedom Process 3.0 walks you through a vivid, interactive experience that reaches to the deepest parts of your brain to erase harmful beliefs around money, self-worth, and deservingness. It does it thanks to unique “identity-shift” techniques that Brian has discovered, tested and proven to work over the last 12 years.
And because he had found a way to combine them all together into a single and easy process - their effectiveness skyrocketed.
To sum up, Money Freedom Process 3.0 is not a meditation. It contains no affirmations, no chants, no hypnosis and no other fancy techniques.
That’s why, even though it may seem like a guided meditation - it’s way more unique than that - because it contains Brian’s own techniques you won’t find anywhere else.
Money Freedom Process 3.0 Works For Everyone Struggling With Money, Abundance And Low Self-Worth
It works for people of all ages from different walks of life, including people who…
The REAL “Secret” to Living in Abundance
After working with tens of thousands of people from all walks of life - Brian noticed a super important pattern that most people largely ignore.
He calls it the REAL secret to living in abundance.
He found that these people have fallen into three different categories when it comes to money.
No matter poor or wealthy, young or old, men or women . . . they all identified with one or two of them.
In fact, over the course of 3 years, he interviewed over 23,500 people and asked them about their experiences with money.
Guess what . . .
They all described experiences that matched these 3 categories he identified.
This is when Brian has called them the 3 Money Personalities.
You see, your money personality designs your entire experience related to money and abundance.
It unconsciously drives your every emotion, feeling and action when it comes to money.
In other words, it’s a hidden mechanism.
You’re not aware of it, yet it makes sure your financial situation
ALWAYS matches what this mechanism was programmed to do.
The first money personality is “I never have enough money.”
The second one is “I make heaps of money but somehow lose it all and have to start from scratch.”
The third money personality is “I have money but I fear I might lose it… or I’m miserable in other aspects of my life.”
Identifying your money personality is the first step on your journey to liberate yourself from money struggles…
The next step is dismantling it so it stops bringing you more hell and money disasters . . .
And the third step is replacing it with an entirely new “subconscious program” that brings you more of what you want . . .
More money . . .
More happiness . . .
More health . . .
More abundance…
And this is where the Money Freedom Process 3.0 comes in - because it is designed to do just that:
Dismantle your money personality and install a fresh identity of abundance so that you don’t have to struggle with money anymore.
Order Money Freedom Process 3.0 Risk-Free
Your order of the Money Freedom Process 3.0 is protected by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. This means that if you’re unhappy with it, you have 30 days to email our friendly customer support for a fast refund of your purchase. No question asked!
Your order of the Money Freedom Process 3.0 is protected by our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee.
This means that if you’re unhappy with it, you have 30 days to email our friendly customer support for a fast refund of your purchase.
No question asked!
Frequently Asked Questions
Money Freedom Process 3.0 is designed for everyone struggling with money, abundance and low self-worth.
It works for people of all ages from different walks of life, including people who…
- Never have enough money and barely make ends meet
- Find that making money is hard and painful
- Are stuck at a job or in business they hate and can’t move forward
- Are completely broke and need help ASAP
- Are hitting an income ceiling and can’t get past it
- Know how to make money but are losing or wasting it all the time
- Are rich and even wealthy - but are afraid of losing it or are suffering in other areas
- Feel bad or anxious when they make more money
- Want to finally end their money struggles and start living in abundance
Yes, the Money Freedom Process 3.0 comes in an .mp3 format that is recognized by all the modern devices. You can play it on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. You can also download it to your pendrive or memory card and listen in a car if it has this functionality.
Money Freedom Process 3.0 will help you break harmful (and unconscious) beliefs, ideas and thoughts about money that keep you stuck.
In other words, it will dismantle your Money Personality… And at the same time, it will “install” a fresh identity of abundance, high self-esteem and happiness that will work with you - not against you - to finally change your financial situation.