“Why Am I Not Attracting My Soulmate?” - Do This Instead!
June 30, 2021
By Brian D. Ridgway
I’ve talked with thousands of self-defined “spiritual” women who are frustrated with the ongoing struggles with their relationships. Most of them were avid believers in the law of attraction - and they followed it to the letter. They meditated, visualized, they tried to spread positive energy around - they even prayed.
I’ve talked with thousands of self-defined “spiritual” women who are frustrated with the ongoing struggles with their relationships.
Most of them were avid believers in the law of attraction - and they followed it to the letter.
They meditated, visualized, they tried to spread positive energy around - they even prayed.

There are millions of women who can’t attract their soulmate. In most cases, they can change it with a simple mind shift.
Despite all these efforts, they didn’t get what they wanted. And nearly every month now, a few women write to me asking . . .
Why am I not attracting my soulmate?
If you can relate, then this article is for you. It’ll show you why you haven’t been able to attract your soulmate - and what you can do to change it.
What you’ll read in a moment is probably different than everything you’ve seen before. My answer may even surprise you - but I have proven it to work with thousands of women. So it might just change your life and help you find true love!
To understand why you’re not attracting your soulmate, let me remind you of your true nature.
If you can relate, then this article is for you.
It’ll show you why you haven’t been able to attract your soulmate - and what you can do to change it.
What you’ll read in a moment is probably different than everything you’ve seen before.
My answer may even surprise you - but I have proven it to work with thousands of women.
So it might just change your life and help you find true love!
To understand why you’re not attracting your soulmate, let me remind you of your true nature.
Who You Really Are
The great minds throughout history, have said openly that the universe isn’t what it appears to be. Precisely — that it’s built from energy, not matter.
Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. There is no matter.”
The great minds throughout history, have said openly that the universe isn’t what it appears to be.
Precisely — that it’s built from energy, not matter.
Albert Einstein said, “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. There is no matter.”

Great minds throughout history knew that the universe is built from energy. This discovery has huge implications on your relationships.
Niels Bohr, a Nobel Prize Winner said, “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”
Nikola Tesla, said, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.“
In other words - everything in the universe is created from the same energy. This includes you and me. And if you consider yourself to be a spiritual person, I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with it.
However, if you’ve struggled to attract your soulmate - it means you’re probably missing one vital insight.
Let me explain.
Niels Bohr, a Nobel Prize Winner said, “Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”
Nikola Tesla, said, “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.“
In other words - everything in the universe is created from the same energy. This includes you and me.
And if you consider yourself to be a spiritual person, I’m pretty sure you’re familiar with it.
However, if you’ve struggled to attract your soulmate - it means you’re probably missing one vital insight.
Let me explain.
Everything is Connected
If everything in the universe - including us - is made from the same energy . . . It means that everything that exists is part of us.
Consider the cells in your body. Every cell in your body is a part of you. They’re all connected with each other and they all work together to keep you alive.
If everything in the universe - including us - is made from the same energy . . . It means that everything that exists is part of us.
Consider the cells in your body. Every cell in your body is a part of you.
They’re all connected with each other and they all work together to keep you alive.

Everything in the universe is connected with you. And it’s a part of you.
Similarly, everything that exists makes up the ONE body that is the Universe.
And if this massive “body” is made from the same energy as we are . . . it means that we’re connected with everything that exists. This is what we call Oneness. Again, if you consider yourself spiritual, you’ve probably familiar with the concept.
Yet let me tell you something that no one really talks about — what can make all the difference for you.
Similarly, everything that exists makes up the ONE body that is the Universe.
And if this massive “body” is made from the same energy as we are . . . it means that we’re connected with everything that exists.
This is what we call Oneness. Again, if you consider yourself spiritual, you’ve probably familiar with the concept.
Yet let me tell you something that no one really talks about — what can make all the difference for you.
The Myth of Attracting Your Soulmate
If we are One . . . If everything’s made from the same energy . . . If we are connected to every other human being . . . every single atom and all the tiniest particles in the entire universe . . .
Then how in the world can we “attract” something that is already us?
Can you attract your hand? No. It’s a part of you. It’s already there!
So if everything else in the universe is also a part of you - there’s no way you can attract it. It’s already there. This applies to attracting your soulmate or loving relationships, too.
I mean - if you were able to attract anything . . . then why would you need to read this article? If the idea of attracting was true, you’d automatically attract your soul mate, have fallen in love, and live happily ever after!
If the idea of attracting was true, you’d be rich beyond your wildest dreams. You’d have a healthy relationship and the most amazing sex and love life possible.
Yet here you are, reading this article because your intimate life is nowhere near to where you want it to be.
If we are One . . . If everything’s made from the same energy . . .
If we are connected to every other human being . . . every single atom and all the tiniest particles in the entire universe . . .
Then how in the world can we “attract” something that is already us?
Can you attract your hand? No. It’s a part of you. It’s already there!
So if everything else in the universe is also a part of you - there’s no way you can attract it.
It’s already there. This applies to attracting your soulmate or loving relationships, too.
I mean - if you were able to attract anything . . . then why would you need to read this article?
If the idea of attracting was true, you’d automatically attract your soul mate, have fallen in love, and live happily ever after!
If the idea of attracting was true, you’d be rich beyond your wildest dreams.
You’d have a healthy relationship and the most amazing sex and love life possible.
Yet here you are, reading this article because your intimate life is nowhere near to where you want it to be.

If the idea of attraction was true, you’d have everything you ever wanted.
I know the idea of “attraction” is widely accepted and very popular. I know just about every guru out there is selling it.
For nearly 20 years, I believed it!
But today, I work with thousands of people around the world who came to me after decades trying to master the “Law of Attraction” . . . Yet were still totally stuck and frustrated.
So, are you willing to accept the possibility that you aren’t attracting anything? If so, this insight has the power to set you free from many deep limiting thoughts and beliefs! Especially when it comes to soulmate relationships.
Ok, so if we are not attracting anything . . . then what?
I know the idea of “attraction” is widely accepted and very popular. I know just about every guru out there is selling it.
For nearly 20 years, I believed it!
But today, I work with thousands of people around the world who came to me after decades trying to master the “Law of Attraction” . . .
Yet were still totally stuck and frustrated.
So, are you willing to accept the possibility that you aren’t attracting anything?
If so, this insight has the power to set you free from many deep limiting thoughts and beliefs!
Especially when it comes to soulmate relationships.
Ok, so if we are not attracting anything . . . then what?
Go Beyond the Law of Attraction
If we are connected with everything, then everything happening “out there” is the reflection of what’s going on inside of us.
Look at your body. If you put alcohol, fast food, cigarettes and drugs into your body you’ll look terrible on the outside.
In the same way, if your unconscious thoughts, beliefs and emotions focus around failure and sadness - this is what will show up (reflect) for you “on the outside!”
If you unconsciously believe, feel and know that you’re unworthy, you will ALWAYS reflect it on the outside world. These unconscious mechanisms will always influence all of your actions and all the energy around you.
If we are connected with everything, then everything happening “out there” is the reflection of what’s going on inside of us.
Look at your body. If you put alcohol, fast food, cigarettes and drugs into your body you’ll look terrible on the outside.
In the same way, if your unconscious thoughts, beliefs and emotions focus around failure and sadness - this is what will show up (reflect) for you “on the outside!”
If you unconsciously believe, feel and know that you’re unworthy, you will ALWAYS reflect it on the outside world.
These unconscious mechanisms will always influence all of your actions and all the energy around you.
As a result, you will always find yourself facing situations that match these unconscious beliefs.

You may not be aware of your unconscious thoughts, beliefs and emotions. Yet they’re constantly working in the background and create your entire experience.
So if you unconsciously believe that you’re unworthy of love, you’ll block love. You’ll meet an endless parade of partners who seemingly “prove” that you’re right.
Or when you unconsciously believe that life is hard, you will constantly see proof that you’re right. In every situation you face.
Well, guess what? These same unconscious programs prevent you from attracting a soulmate!
So if you unconsciously believe that you’re unworthy of love, you’ll block love.
You’ll meet an endless parade of partners who seemingly “prove” that you’re right.
Or when you unconsciously believe that life is hard, you will constantly see proof that you’re right. In every situation you face.
Well, guess what? These same unconscious programs prevent you from attracting a soulmate!
Unconscious Programs That Ruin Your Relationship
If you can’t find that one and only guy - the one that will make you feel good. The one who is your true soul mate . . .
This means that deep down in your mind, you’re unconsciously convinced that you don’t deserve to be with such a man . . .
Or that finding him will be hard . . .
Or that there’s no perfect match for you.
The bottom line is that trying to attract your soulmate is the road to nowhere. The idea of attracting stands in contradiction to your true nature.
What you’re doing instead is, you’re reflecting what you unconsciously believe all of the time, day after day after day. And you will continue to do so until you become aware of it and deal with the roots of it.
That’s how you truly “attract” your soulmate. Or anything else that you want.
If you can’t find that one and only guy - the one that will make you feel good. The one who is your true soul mate . . .
This means that deep down in your mind, you’re unconsciously convinced that you don’t deserve to be with such a man . . .
Or that finding him will be hard . . .
Or that there’s no perfect match for you.
The bottom line is that trying to attract your soulmate is the road to nowhere.
The idea of attracting stands in contradiction to your true nature.
What you’re doing instead is, you’re reflecting what you unconsciously believe all of the time, day after day after day.
And you will continue to do so until you become aware of it and deal with the roots of it.
That’s how you truly “attract” your soulmate. Or anything else that you want.
How to Dissolve Your Unconscious Beliefs
Thanks to this article you’ve taken the first step toward manifesting your soulmate. Now you know exactly why you weren’t able to attract and fall in love with him.
What I recommend you do right now is stop trying to attract the guy you want.
Instead, think about what you prefer in a man. Imagine your ideal partner and focus your attention on him.
And if you feel some unwanted feelings while doing it, let them be and observe them. Chances are, they will lead you to the stories that created those deep unconscious beliefs that prevent you from finding your soulmate.
When this happens - you’ll have an opportunity to deal with these obstacles and finally be able to REFLECT the man that you desire.
Thanks to this article you’ve taken the first step toward manifesting your soulmate.
Now you know exactly why you weren’t able to attract and fall in love with him.
What I recommend you do right now is stop trying to attract the guy you want.
Instead, think about what you prefer in a man. Imagine your ideal partner and focus your attention on him.
And if you feel some unwanted feelings while doing it, let them be and observe them.
Chances are, they will lead you to the stories that created those deep unconscious beliefs that prevent you from finding your soulmate.
When this happens - you’ll have an opportunity to deal with these obstacles and finally be able to REFLECT the man that you desire.
If you’d like to know more about manifesting your soulmate and get my 4-step process to do it, check out my new book called “Your Perfect Man.”

About the Author
Brian D. Ridgway "The Spellbreaker". A #1 Bestselling Spiritual Author, a Mentor and a Guide.
His unique guidance has helped over 160,361 people from 84 countries - including tens of thousands of women struggling with their relationships.