The #1 Hidden Obstacle That Makes Us Never Get What We Want
In this article I show what it is - and how tens of thousands of people removed it and are now living their dream
January 25, 2022
By Brian D. Ridgway
Dear Friend - would you like to experience MORE of what you want? Of course you would, right? Everyone wants it.
So I bet you’d also want to experience LESS of what you don’t want. Everyone wants that, too.
So now, would you like me to tell you why you aren’t getting it - despite that you want it so bad? OK then, let’s get right into it.
Dear Friend - would you like to experience MORE of what you want?
Of course you would, right? Everyone wants it.
So I bet you’d also want to experience LESS of what you don’t want.
Everyone wants that, too.
So now, would you like me to tell you why you aren’t getting it - despite that you want it so bad?
OK then, let’s get right into it.
Why Some People Never Get What They Want
If you’re reading this article, this means you’re probably somewhat spiritual. You probably believe that everything’s energy. You might even believe that we’re all one. Or, at least, you’re familiar with this concept.

Some people never get what they want - and they don’t know why. Well, in most cases, the reason lies deep in their subconscious.
So since everything is made out of ONE energy . . . It means it’s the same energy that creates what you want . . . as well as what you don’t want.
If the same energy can create both these outcomes . . .
What makes it create so many things and events that you don’t want to experience?
Well, it’s certainly not what we consciously think - because millions of people think positively and say affirmations every day . . . yet they’re not getting what they want.
It’s not what we believe in - because many people clear their negative beliefs . . . yet they’re not getting what they want.
It also has nothing to do with our vibration. Many people raise their vibration by doing all sorts of different techniques, but . . .
Yeah, you guessed it - they don’t get what they want.
So what is it then?
What determines whether the energy turns into what you want or not?
If you’re reading this article, this means you’re probably somewhat spiritual.
You probably believe that everything’s energy. You might even believe that we’re all one.
Or, at least, you’re familiar with this concept.

Some people never get what they want - and they don’t know why. Well, in most cases, the reason lies deep in their subconscious.
So since everything is made out of ONE energy . . .
It means it’s the same energy that creates what you want . . . as well as what you don’t want.
If the same energy can create both these outcomes . . .
What makes it create so many things and events that you don’t want to experience?
Well, it’s certainly not what we consciously think - because millions of people think positively and say affirmations every day . . . yet they’re not getting what they want.
It’s not what we believe in - because many people clear their negative beliefs . . . yet they’re not getting what they want.
It also has nothing to do with our vibration.
Many people raise their vibration by doing all sorts of different techniques, but . . .
Yeah, you guessed it - they don’t get what they want.
So what is it then?
What determines whether the energy turns into what you want or not?
The Hidden Obstacle
I propose it’s something way deeper and much more subtle than your thoughts, beliefs, or your vibration. It’s something that’s out of your conscious control. Something that I rarely see other folks talk about. Something so well hidden you don’t even know it exists . . .
And yet it’s so powerful it constantly affects your energy and makes it create things and outcomes you don’t want!
I suggest it’s your set of the deepest unconscious “truths” about you, other people and the world around you.
In other words, it’s your core paradigm.
It’s a primal, hidden operating system that works in the background and affects your thoughts . . . actions . . . emotions . . . things you say . . . ways you react to different events and SO much more.
The thing is - this operating system ALWAYS brings you back to its “default settings.” Whatever it was programmed to do when you were little - it repeats these patterns throughout your entire life . . .
Unless you take action to delete it - and replace it with a new paradigm that is 100% in line with your true nature. One that helps you get what you REALLY want - fast and effortlessly.
And I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, let me show you what this paradigm is. And how it affects your life - without you even knowing.
I propose it’s something way deeper and much more subtle than your thoughts, beliefs, or your vibration.
It’s something that’s out of your conscious control.
Something that I rarely see other folks talk about. Something so well hidden you don’t even know it exists . . .
And yet it’s so powerful it constantly affects your energy and makes it create things and outcomes you don’t want!
I suggest it’s your set of the deepest unconscious “truths” about you, other people and the world around you.
In other words, it’s your core paradigm.
It’s a primal, hidden operating system that works in the background and affects your thoughts . . . actions . . . emotions . . . things you say . . . ways you react to different events and SO much more.
The thing is - this operating system ALWAYS brings you back to its “default settings.”
Whatever it was programmed to do when you were little - it repeats these patterns throughout your entire life . . .
Unless you take action to delete it - and replace it with a new paradigm that is 100% in line with your true nature.
One that helps you get what you REALLY want - fast and effortlessly.
And I’ll get to that in a moment. But first, let me show you what this paradigm is.
And how it affects your life - without you even knowing.
It Makes You Live in Opposition to Your True Nature
Our science is based on it. The entire industry is based on it. They’re teaching it to kids in schools. All the music, books and movies - they’re all based on this paradigm.
As a consequence, every person on Earth is programmed to believe in this paradigm. Right from the very first day we’ve been born, we were given those “paradigm glasses” to wear.
And we’ve been wearing them for so long, we forgot we have them!
And it’s not that we had a choice. This happened when we were kids. As kids, we didn’t question the “facts” and “truths” we’ve been taught. So we didn’t question this paradigm, either.
This paradigm is called the Newtonian paradigm. And there wouldn't be anything wrong with it except for the fact that . . .
This paradigm is in total opposition to your true nature!
Therefore, it silently destroys all your efforts at having amazing relationships - without you even knowing it . . . And even if you say “oh, but it’s not a big deal anyway”.
I’ll show you what it all means in a moment. But first, I want to show you how I discovered it . . . how it changed my life . . . and how it can change your, too.
Our science is based on it. The entire industry is based on it.
They’re teaching it to kids in schools.
All the music, books and movies - they’re all based on this paradigm.
As a consequence, every person on Earth is programmed to believe in this paradigm.
Right from the very first day we’ve been born, we were given those “paradigm glasses” to wear.
And we’ve been wearing them for so long, we forgot we have them!
And it’s not that we had a choice. This happened when we were kids.
As kids, we didn’t question the “facts” and “truths” we’ve been taught.
So we didn’t question this paradigm, either.
This paradigm is called the Newtonian paradigm.
And there wouldn't be anything wrong with it except for the fact that . . .
This paradigm is in total opposition to your true nature!
Therefore, it silently destroys all your efforts at having amazing relationships - without you even knowing it . . .
And even if you say “oh, but it’s not a big deal anyway”.
I’ll show you what it all means in a moment.
But first, I want to show you how I discovered it . . . how it changed my life . . . and how it can change your, too.
A Suicidal Man Makes Life-Changing Discovery
The reason I’m still alive and writing this message to you is because I erased the Newtonian paradigm from my mind for good.
I discovered it in January 2011. This is when after 30 years of fruitless self-help journey I hit rock bottom.
In a matter of a week, . . .
- I lost my house in Lexington, SC.
- My Mercedes ML430.
- All my money.
- And I almost caused my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids . . .
To sleep on the streets and search for food in dumpsters.
For over three decades I tried to improve my life - but I couldn’t do it. My life was an endless series of failures, starting from my childhood when my father beat me, cursed, and called me names every single day.
So in 2011, my entire life fell to pieces and I failed my loved ones. This is when my pain went through the roof, and I wanted to die.
On January 3rd, 2011, around 10 am, I was 2 steps from walking off the bridge - and ending it all.
But I couldn’t do it. I couldn't just leave my family out there with no one to protect them. With my hands shaking and tears dropping from my eyes, I slowly stepped back.
I was given a second chance - that allowed a miracle to happen.
This "near-suicide" event had shaken me so much, it opened my mind to a new discovery that changed my life forever.
The reason I’m still alive and writing this message to you is because I erased the Newtonian paradigm from my mind for good.
I discovered it in January 2011. This is when after 30 years of fruitless self-help journey I hit rock bottom.
In a matter of a week, . . .
- I lost my house in Lexington, SC.
- My Mercedes ML430.
- All my money.
- And I almost caused my 5-month pregnant wife and 2 kids . . .
To sleep on the streets and search for food in dumpsters.
For over three decades I tried to improve my life - but I couldn’t do it.
My life was an endless series of failures, starting from my childhood when my father beat me, cursed, and called me names every single day.
So in 2011, my entire life fell to pieces and I failed my loved ones.
This is when my pain went through the roof, and I wanted to die.
On January 3rd, 2011, around 10 am, I was 2 steps from walking off the bridge - and ending it all.
But I couldn’t do it. I couldn't just leave my family out there with no one to protect them.
With my hands shaking and tears dropping from my eyes, I slowly stepped back.
I was given a second chance - that allowed a miracle to happen.
This "near-suicide" event had shaken me so much, it opened my mind to a new discovery that changed my life forever.
This Discovery Changed Everything
This is when I was guided by my intuition to discover the Newtonian paradigm. The paradigm that I had no clue existed. Yet it was always with me. It was the one hidden obstacle that kept me stuck in misery for 30 years, despite all my inner work.
In 67 days, this insight took me from a broken, miserable, angry and lonely scrap of a guy - to living my dream life in Hawaii.
Thanks to this one insight, today, I consider myself the happiest person on the planet.
Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I struggled with my relationships . . .
Worried about money . . .
Or anything else.
I’m 57 this year, and I’m in the best health I’ve ever been.
That’s how powerful removing the Newtonian paradigm is.
In fact, it is critical for every person who wants to live life on their own terms . . . and get what they really want.
Are you that person?
This is when I was guided by my intuition to discover the Newtonian paradigm.
The paradigm that I had no clue existed. Yet it was always with me.
It was the one hidden obstacle that kept me stuck in misery for 30 years, despite all my inner work.
In 67 days, this insight took me from a broken, miserable, angry and lonely scrap of a guy - to living my dream life in Hawaii.
Thanks to this one insight, today, I consider myself the happiest person on the planet.
Honestly, I don’t remember the last time I struggled with my relationships . . .
Worried about money . . .
Or anything else.
I’m 57 this year, and I’m in the best health I’ve ever been.
That’s how powerful removing the Newtonian paradigm is.
In fact, it is critical for every person who wants to live life on their own terms . . . and get what they really want.
Are you that person?
I show you all the details about the Newtonian paradigm in my bestselling book, “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”. In it, I take you by the hand through each step necessary to eliminate it from your life for good . . . And what to do to finally start getting what you want.
This book has one of the most important messages I ever shared - and people are so thrilled with it, they left 312+ five-star reviews on Amazon!
I show you all the details about the Newtonian paradigm in my bestselling book, “Break Your Self-Help Addiction”.
In it, I take you by the hand through each step necessary to eliminate it from your life for good . . .
And what to do to finally start getting what you want.
This book has one of the most important messages I ever shared - and people are so thrilled with it, they left 312+ five-star reviews on Amazon!

About the Author
Brian D. Ridgway "The Spellbreaker". A #1 Bestselling Spiritual Author, a Mentor and a Guide.
His unique guidance has helped over 160,361 people from 84 countries - including tens of thousands of women struggling with their relationships.