The Hidden Mental Toxin That Makes You Feel Sad and Lonely
June 15, 2021
By Brian D. Ridgway
After 10 years of working with tens and thousands of women from all over the world, I discovered one common pattern in their lives. I found that many women - no matter single or married - often feel sad and lonely.
What’s more - these feelings are very strong and often draw these women into the depths of loneliness and depression. Obviously, they try to “fix this” but this gets them nowhere.
Some feel it’s because of their partners - so they end their relationships . . . only to find a few weeks later that they’re still miserable.
Others blame themselves and are convinced there’s something wrong with them. Some even think they have some mental health condition and begin therapy or join support groups that get them nowhere.
As a result, they limit their social integrations, and they’re starting to feel like they’ll never be happy again. Like they’ll never feel more connected to the people around them - just as though some invisible force was blocking them.
And if you’re like that, too - then in a moment I’ll show you the real reason why it happens - and how you can end this vicious cycle for good.
After 10 years of working with tens and thousands of women from all over the world, I discovered one common pattern in their lives.
I found that many women - no matter single or married - often feel sad and lonely.
What’s more - these feelings are very strong and often draw these women into the depths of loneliness and depression.
Obviously, they try to “fix this” but this gets them nowhere.
Some feel it’s because of their partners - so they end their relationships . . . only to find a few weeks later that they’re still miserable.
Others blame themselves and are convinced there’s something wrong with them.
Some even think they have some mental health condition and begin therapy or join support groups that get them nowhere.
As a result, they limit their social integrations, and they’re starting to feel like they’ll never be happy again.
Like they’ll never feel more connected to the people around them - just as though some invisible force was blocking them.
And if you’re like that, too - then in a moment I’ll show you the real reason why it happens - and how you can end this vicious cycle for good.
Thousands of Women Have Asked Me “Why Do I Feel Sad And Lonely” - Here’s My Answer
In my life, I worked with thousands of women having different beliefs on why they feel sad and lonely. To be honest - I was in that place myself for over 30 years.
In each case, I uncovered that the beliefs these women had weren’t true. It wasn’t because of their partners. It wasn’t because there was something wrong with them. And it wasn’t because of a mental health condition.
The real reason was subtle - yet more powerful than every single one of these ladies dared to believe. So if you’re asking yourself “why do I feel sad and lonely” - then this article may be a true game-changer for you.
Let’s dive deeper into it.
In my life, I worked with thousands of women having different beliefs on why they feel sad and lonely.
To be honest - I was in that place myself for over 30 years.
In each case, I uncovered that the beliefs these women had weren’t true. It wasn’t because of their partners.
It wasn’t because there was something wrong with them. And it wasn’t because of a mental health condition.
The real reason was subtle - yet more powerful than every single one of these ladies dared to believe.
So if you’re asking yourself “why do I feel sad and lonely” - then this article may be a true game-changer for you.
Let’s dive deeper into it.
A Suicidal Man Makes Life-Saving Discovery
I mentioned earlier that for the best part of my life, I felt miserably lonely and sad. Today I thank the universe for these experiences. That’s because thanks to this hell on earth I lived in - I discovered an insight that allowed me to help 160,000 people from 84 countries.
This includes tens of thousands of women just like you - who were struggling with their relationships for years. Even decades.
This insight ended my misery. It forever ended my feelings of sadness and loneliness. And it did it so fast, I thought I was dreaming.
I discovered it in January 2011 - the very day when I wanted to walk off the bridge and end my life. This near-death experience had shaken me to the core. And it miraculously opened up my mind for an insight that was right in front of my nose - yet I was missing it all the time.
67 days later, my life was completely changed.
So what did I discover?
I mentioned earlier that for the best part of my life, I felt miserably lonely and sad. Today I thank the universe for these experiences.
That’s because thanks to this hell on earth I lived in - I discovered an insight that allowed me to help 160,000 people from 84 countries.
This includes tens of thousands of women just like you - who were struggling with their relationships for years. Even decades.
This insight ended my misery. It forever ended my feelings of sadness and loneliness. And it did it so fast, I thought I was dreaming.
I discovered it in January 2011 - the very day when I wanted to walk off the bridge and end my life.
This near-death experience had shaken me to the core.
And it miraculously opened up my mind for an insight that was right in front of my nose - yet I was missing it all the time.
67 days later, my life was completely changed.
So what did I discover?
The Hidden Cause of Sadness and Loneliness
I found that deep in our unconscious, there’s a hidden mental mechanism. It drives all our basic actions related to love, self-esteem and relationships. You’ve likely heard pieces of info related to this, or seen things that this will remind you of.
I want to encourage you to be completely open and curious. This will lead to something profoundly deep and unlike anything else you have seen or experienced elsewhere.
This mechanism I speak of is so perfectly hidden that almost no one knows about it. And this hidden mechanism is the real root cause of our relationship misery.
Now, let me show you what it is and how it works.
What I’m about to tell you is critical for your liberation from feelings of loneliness. It’s the key to healing relationships with your partner, kids and family members . . .
And more importantly - it’s the KEY to healing the relationship you have with yourself.
You’re about to discover the REAL root of your unhappiness . . . Of all the frustrations - the pain and unfulfilled desires, you’ve been through in your life.
This means you’re about to make a huge discovery that can put your life on a completely new track. A track to happiness and unlimited joy - minus the biggest obstacle that kept you from having it.
This is how profound eliminating this hidden mechanism from your mind is - and I’ve experienced it first hand.
I like to call this hidden mechanism a “Spell.”
I found that deep in our unconscious, there’s a hidden mental mechanism.
It drives all our basic actions related to love, self-esteem and relationships.
You’ve likely heard pieces of info related to this, or seen things that this will remind you of.
I want to encourage you to be completely open and curious.
This will lead to something profoundly deep and unlike anything else you have seen or experienced elsewhere.
This mechanism I speak of is so perfectly hidden that almost no one knows about it.
And this hidden mechanism is the real root cause of our relationship misery.
Now, let me show you what it is and how it works.
What I’m about to tell you is critical for your liberation from feelings of loneliness. It’s the key to healing relationships with your partner, kids and family members . . .
And more importantly - it’s the KEY to healing the relationship you have with yourself.
You’re about to discover the REAL root of your unhappiness . . .
Of all the frustrations - the pain and unfulfilled desires, you’ve been through in your life.
This means you’re about to make a huge discovery that can put your life on a completely new track.
A track to happiness and unlimited joy - minus the biggest obstacle that kept you from having it.
This is how profound eliminating this hidden mechanism from your mind is - and I’ve experienced it first hand.
I like to call this hidden mechanism a “Spell.”
The Spells in Your Mind That Make You Feel Lonely
The name “Spell” has nothing to do with magic. It just reminds me of the characters from fairy tales who were under a “dark spell” that harmed them . . . even though they weren’t aware of it.
In a similar way, we all have harmful “Spells” in our minds - but we don’t know it.
Sure, there are people who talk about how our unconscious mind impacts our lives . . . But what they say isn’t even scratching the surface of Spells.
You see, Spells are like . . .
The name “Spell” has nothing to do with magic. It just reminds me of the characters from fairy tales who were under a “dark spell” that harmed them . . . even though they weren’t aware of it.
In a similar way, we all have harmful “Spells” in our minds - but we don’t know it.
Sure, there are people who talk about how our unconscious mind impacts our lives . . .
But what they say isn’t even scratching the surface of Spells.
You see, Spells are like . . .
Toxins, or poisons, that infect your unconscious mind
In today’s world, we accumulate lots of invisible toxins in our bodies. These toxins then make us feel achy, confused or tired. And we don’t know what’s going on. They can lead to all types of diseases.
In the same way, we’ve also collected “toxins” in our unconscious mind. We accumulated hundreds of harmful conclusions, unconscious decisions and “things we know”.
Much worse, many of these thoughts and ideas are bound up with suppressed emotions that we don’t want to feel. Worse yet, we unknowingly build complex mental structures to bury these emotions.
This further traps us and can lead us to becoming pretty much “crazy” - both to ourselves and to others. This is the main reason for your feeling of loneliness. You may have meaningful connections with your partner, family and friends - yet you may still be feeling lonely.
Sounds crazy or far out? It sure does. But that’s how your Spells work. Your mind was flooded with these poisons without you even knowing. Because most of it happened in your childhood.
Again, many people talk about how childhood traumas influence our lives. But so far I’ve never heard anyone going this deep into it as the insight I was guided to - which I’m about to share with you. That’s why millions of people (including myself over 10 years ago) just can’t seem to find a solution to deal with their life-long issues and traumas. It’s because virtually none of the gurus or experts address the reality of these Spells.
In today’s world, we accumulate lots of invisible toxins in our bodies. These toxins then make us feel achy, confused or tired.
And we don’t know what’s going on. They can lead to all types of diseases.
In the same way, we’ve also collected “toxins” in our unconscious mind.
We accumulated hundreds of harmful conclusions, unconscious decisions and “things we know”.
Much worse, many of these thoughts and ideas are bound up with suppressed emotions that we don’t want to feel.
Worse yet, we unknowingly build complex mental structures to bury these emotions.
This further traps us and can lead us to becoming pretty much “crazy” - both to ourselves and to others.
This is the main reason for your feeling of loneliness.
You may have meaningful connections with your partner, family and friends - yet you may still be feeling lonely.
Sounds crazy or far out? It sure does. But that’s how your Spells work.
Your mind was flooded with these poisons without you even knowing. Because most of it happened in your childhood.
Again, many people talk about how childhood traumas influence our lives.
But so far I’ve never heard anyone going this deep into it as the insight I was guided to - which I’m about to share with you.
That’s why millions of people (including myself over 10 years ago) just can’t seem to find a solution to deal with their life-long issues and traumas.
It’s because virtually none of the gurus or experts address the reality of these Spells.
It’s a Shame Almost No One Talks About it
Let’s clarify the definition of Spells a bit more before we continue: Thoughts, ideas, beliefs, conclusions and decisions, mostly buried in the unconscious. They’re usually tangled up with intense emotions we suppress because we don’t want to feel them. These become the hidden software in our minds and bodies.
Anyway, right now, all these Spells disrupt your relationships, feelings and your self-esteem in a far greater way than you might imagine . . .
Let’s clarify the definition of Spells a bit more before we continue: Thoughts, ideas, beliefs, conclusions and decisions, mostly buried in the unconscious.
They’re usually tangled up with intense emotions we suppress because we don’t want to feel them.
These become the hidden software in our minds and bodies.
Anyway, right now, all these Spells disrupt your relationships, feelings and your self-esteem in a far greater way than you might imagine . . .
They Create an Illusion of Yourself and Your Reality
And whenever you want to achieve or experience something that’s not in line with your Spells and the illusions they create . . . they immediately block you from having it . . . And you don’t even know that’s the case.
They’re like the DNA code. Your height, health, the color of your hair and eyes, and so on - it’s all written in your DNA code.
So if you’re blonde and not dark-haired - it’s not your fault. It’s what’s encoded in your DNA. And it happens without your control.
In a similar way, your reactions, thoughts and emotions are encoded by your Spells. They dictate your experience in relation to love, self-esteem, men, relationships . . . all without your conscious control!
Whenever some current event triggers your Spells - they make you unconsciously react. Always in the same way, always causing the same kind of outcome - over and over again.
They cause you to feel sad and lonely - but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Have a look below:
And whenever you want to achieve or experience something that’s not in line with your Spells and the illusions they create . . . they immediately block you from having it . . .
And you don’t even know that’s the case.
They’re like the DNA code. Your height, health, the color of your hair and eyes, and so on - it’s all written in your DNA code.
So if you’re blonde and not dark-haired - it’s not your fault. It’s what’s encoded in your DNA. And it happens without your control.
In a similar way, your reactions, thoughts and emotions are encoded by your Spells.
They dictate your experience in relation to love, self-esteem, men, relationships . . . all without your conscious control!
Whenever some current event triggers your Spells - they make you unconsciously react.
Always in the same way, always causing the same kind of outcome - over and over again.
They cause you to feel sad and lonely - but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Have a look below:
Well - guess what? It all happens because of your Spells. And you’ll be repeating these patterns ‘till the end of your days . . . unless you remove these Spells from your subconscious mind for good.
The great news is, you can dissolve your Spells and finally become happy and as a result, change your relationships and entire life for good!You know the cause.
Eliminating it is easier and more effortless than you probably think . . .
And the change is so profound . . .
Well - guess what? It all happens because of your Spells.
And you’ll be repeating these patterns ‘till the end of your days . . . unless you remove these Spells from your subconscious mind for good.
The great news is, you can dissolve your Spells and finally become happy and as a result, change your relationships and entire life for good!
You know the cause.
Eliminating it is easier and more effortless than you probably think . . .
And the change is so profound . . .
Women Who Did This Say it’s a Miracle!
It doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you are, or what kind of issues you’re facing . . . This works for everyone exactly the same way!
Trust me, I worked with homeless people and multi-billionaires - and I always used the same method to help them. Because Spells and the way of removing them are universal. And when you do this . . . my God!
When I discovered Spells and dissolved them - it catapulted me out of misery into the life of my dreams! It allowed me to move to my heaven on earth in Hawaii and heal every relationship that was important to me.
So . . .
It doesn’t matter where you’re from, who you are, or what kind of issues you’re facing . . . This works for everyone exactly the same way!
Trust me, I worked with homeless people and multi-billionaires - and I always used the same method to help them.
Because Spells and the way of removing them are universal. And when you do this . . . my God!
When I discovered Spells and dissolved them - it catapulted me out of misery into the life of my dreams!
It allowed me to move to my heaven on earth in Hawaii and heal every relationship that was important to me.
So . . .
How Do You Dissolve Your Spells?
I could write about it for pages and pages but instead, I’ll give you a shortcut.
Whenever you feel unwanted feelings like sadness or loneliness, take a few deep breaths. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth. Let your belly move when you breathe. Don’t move your chest or shoulders.
When you breathe, feel your feelings to the fullest. Cry, scream - smash the plate on the floor if necessary. But for heaven’s sake - don’t try to block them.
As you feel your feelings, become curious about what really caused them. Don’t let it control you - just relax and observe.
When you do this, first, you’re giving yourself a chance to release this feeling. Once you do this, you may find yourself experiencing less and less of this feeling in the future.
Second, as you experience it, it may bring back an event that caused similar feelings in you in your childhood. If this happens, talk to your inner child with love.
Make sure that the kid within you feels safe and that this event from the past cannot harm you. Do all of that while breathing deeply.
Congratulations - you just took the first step toward dissolving the Spells that kept you feeling sad, lonely and unhappy in your relationship for so many years!
I could write about it for pages and pages but instead, I’ll give you a shortcut.
Whenever you feel unwanted feelings like sadness or loneliness, take a few deep breaths. Inhale through your nose.
Exhale through your mouth. Let your belly move when you breathe. Don’t move your chest or shoulders.
When you breathe, feel your feelings to the fullest.
Cry, scream - smash the plate on the floor if necessary. But for heaven’s sake - don’t try to block them.
As you feel your feelings, become curious about what really caused them. Don’t let it control you - just relax and observe.
When you do this, first, you’re giving yourself a chance to release this feeling.
Once you do this, you may find yourself experiencing less and less of this feeling in the future.
Second, as you experience it, it may bring back an event that caused similar feelings in you in your childhood.
If this happens, talk to your inner child with love.
Make sure that the kid within you feels safe and that this event from the past cannot harm you. Do all of that while breathing deeply.
Congratulations - you just took the first step toward dissolving the Spells that kept you feeling sad, lonely and unhappy in your relationship for so many years!
Let Go of Sadness and Loneliness for Good
In my new book, I talk about dealing with sadness, loneliness and improving your relationships. This book is called “Your Perfect Man” - and it helps you find a new sense of love, connection and happiness in your relationship.
It can help you deal with your feelings of sadness and loneliness - the easiest way possible.
But don’t take my word for it. Have a look at the book’s description and grab it - because you can test it 100% FREE.
In my new book, I talk about dealing with sadness, loneliness and improving your relationships.
This book is called “Your Perfect Man” - and it helps you find a new sense of love, connection and happiness in your relationship.
It can help you deal with your feelings of sadness and loneliness - the easiest way possible.
But don’t take my word for it. Have a look at the book’s description and grab it - because you can test it 100% FREE.

About the Author
Brian D. Ridgway "The Spellbreaker". A #1 Bestselling Spiritual Author, a Mentor and a Guide.
His unique guidance has helped over 160,361 people from 84 countries - including tens of thousands of women struggling with their relationships.